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Information system of basic registers

The Information System of Basic Registers is legislatively enshrined in Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on Basic Registers. The ISZR is a public administration information system through which data sharing between individual basic registers, basic registers and agency information systems and agency information systems with each other, management of data access permissions and other activities are ensured.

The ISZR consists of two basic interfaces:

Interfaces Main users Functionality description
Internal interface services Only the ISZR in relation to the basic registers Internal services that can only be used by the ISZR to retrieve and dereference data from the individual basic registers
External interface services Agenda information systems Services enabling the use of data from basic registers and basic register editors

In particular, the following are implemented through the ISZR:

  • Access to data held in the basic registers
  • Services of claiming, contesting, notification, updating data from basic registers
  • Entry and modification of data in the basic registers
  • Translation of agency identifiers of natural persons
  • Ensuring compliance with authorisations recorded in the Register of Rights and Obligations

Users follow the table below to connect to the basic registers:

User Path Ensures
Subject of the right cannot access directly, indirectly through citizen's portal or universal contact points and extracts from it
The public authority shall ensure the management of the basic registers by its Agenda Information System after the conditions
public authority by the Agenda Information System of another administrator shall be provided by the administrator of the AIS in question
Public authority through the CzechPOINT@office interface will be provided by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, the CzechPOINT@office administrator in cooperation with the local administrator
Private legal user of data Through the Agenda Information System built by the OVM shall be provided by the OVM that administers the respective AIS
Private data user Private data exploitation system To be provided by the PSO authorised to operate such a system

In order to connect the agency information systems to the basic registers, certain basic conditions must be fulfilled, which are laid down by the Administration of the basic registers in its operational documentation of the ISZR. In particular:

  1. The AIS administrator must have its IS declared in the ISVS register in the Register of Rights and Obligations
  2. It must have declared in the RPP the competence in the agenda(s) it will perform with this AIS for the relevant OVM
  3. The AIS administrator must indicate in the RPP which OVMs/SPMUs can access the RO or other AISs via its AIS.
  4. The AIS must be connected to the relevant access point (KIVS or Internet). The method and process of connecting the AIS to the KIVS is outside the scope of the RoW system
  5. The AIS must be certified to access the eGON interface. Certification is a process within the competence of SZR. Within this process, the scope of the AIS - agenda, agency roles and OVM - is defined. This process is described in a separate document available on the SZR website.
  6. The AIS must be issued with an electronic client certificate. Issuing a client certificate is the last step in the AIS certification process, which is carried out by SZR
  7. The AIS must be allowed access to specific eGON services within the RAZR (Registration Authority of the RoW) according to the security profile. Permissions to individual data are defined based on the OVM / agenda / agenda role combination, and are derived from the information in the RPP
  8. Must have implemented calls to the eGIS services in its AIS, or be able to properly call, consume and use the web services of the eGIS external interface according to the eGIS operational documentation

An always up-to-date list of eGON services is available on the SZR website Catalogue of eGON services. The list here is valid until the end of 2020.

The individual eGON services are divided into main categories:

  1. Services based on basic registries
    1. ROB-based services
    2. ROS-based services
    3. RUIAN-based services
    4. RPP-based services
    5. ORG-based services
    6. Services based on ISZR
  2. Services based on AIS - so-called composite services
Categories Detailed description of the service in pdf VersionDate of update**
ROB-based services E01 - robVlozObyvatele.pdf (920.58 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E02 - robChangeProvider.pdf (924.89 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E03 - robCtiAifo.pdf (482.86 KB) 01.02 12.12.2016
E04 - robAuthentication.pdf (825.48 KB) 01.00 25. 12. 2016
E05 - robCtiPodleUdaju.pdf1.13 MB 01.03 24. 4. 2017
E06 - robDeletingProviders.pdf (872.15 KB) 01.00 25 December 2016
E07 - robCtiChanges.pdf (499.97 KB) 01.00 May 8, 2015
E08 - robCtiBulkAIFO.pdf (849.33 KB) 01.00 1. 7. 2016
E15 - robCtiEditora.pdf (424.38 KB) 01.02 13.12. 2016
E102 - robPoskytnutiJineOsobe.pdf (922.00 KB) 01.00 26. 12. 2016
E103 - robCtiChangesSaloz.pdf (810.03 KB) 01.00 26 December 2016
E154 - robVypisVyuzitiPoskytnuti.pdf (833.22 KB) 01.00 25 December 2016
E183 - robOverBulkAIFO.pdf1.20 MB 01.03 26. 11. 2019
ROS-based services E16_rosPridelIco.pdf1.21 MB 01.01 22 Aug 2019
E17 - rosPridelIcp.pdf (822.01 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E18_rosVlozOsobu.pdf914.39 KB 02.00 5. 3. 2017
E19 - rosZmenOsobu.pdf826.30 KB 02.00 5. 3. 2017
E20 - rosCtiIco.pdf (424.32 KB) 02.02 6. 12. 2017
E21 - rosCtiAifo.pdf551.44 KB 02.03 27. 11. 2020
E22 - rosCtiPodleUdaju.pdf543.49 KB 02.03 27. 11. 2020
E23 - rosZapisDatovouSchranku.pdf (800.12 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E24 - rosDeletingDataDataDatabase.pdf (402.13 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E25 - rosVlozProvozProvozovovnu.pdf (811.46 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E26 - rosZmenProvozovnu.pdf (718.73 KB) 01.00 27. 12. 2016
E27 - rosClearProvozovnu.pdf (795.31 KB) 01.00 1. 7. 2016
E28 - rosCtiZmeny.pdf524.10 KB 01.01 27. 11. 2020
E29 - rosCtiListIco.pdf494.30 KB 02.03 15. 11. 2020
E31 - rosCtiSeznamEditoru.pdf (798.43 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E93 - rosZapisPravniStav.pdf (898.81 KB) 02.00 5. 3. 2017
E253 -_rosVlozOsobu2.pdf455.83 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E254 - rosZmenOsobu2.pdf434.40 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E255 - rosZapisPravniStavniStav2.pdf402.33 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E256 - rosCtiIco2.pdf474.44 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E257 - rosCtiAifo2.pdf455.81 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E258_rosCtiListIco2.pdf418.14 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
E259_rosCtiImage2.pdf458.81 KB 01.00 5. 11. 2020
Services based on RUIAN E34a - ruianVyhledejPrvekAdresniMisto.pdf (1.50 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34c - ruianVyhledejPrvekCastObce.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34d - ruianVyhledejPrvekCastastralUzemi.pdf (1.49 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34e - ruianVyhledejPrvekKraj.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34f - ruianVyhledejPrvekMomc.pdf (1.49 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34g - ruianVyhledejPrvekMop.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34h - ruianVyhledejPrvekObec.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34i - ruianVyhledejPrvekOkres.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34j - ruianVyhledejPrvekOrp.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34k - ruianVyhledejPrvekParcela.pdf (1.49 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34l - ruianVyhledejPrvekPou.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34m - ruianVyhledejPrvekRegionSoudrznosti.pdf (1.49 MB)01.05 10 June 2019
E34n - ruianVyhledejPrvekSpravniObvod.pdf (1.49 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34p - ruianVyhledejPrvekStavebniObjekt.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34q - ruianVyhledejPrvekUlice.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34r - ruianVyhledejPrvekVusc.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34s - ruianVyhledejPrvekZsj.pdf (1.48 MB) 01.05 10 June 2019
E34t - ruianVyhledejPrvekVollectionDistrict.pdf1.08 MB 04.04 10 June 2019
E35a - ruianCtiPrvekAddressPlace.pdf535.40 KB 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35c - ruianCtiPrvekCastObce.pdf545.39 KB 01.02 19. 12. 2016
:::: E35d - ruianCtiPrvekCastralLand.pdf566.63 KB 01.02 19.12.2016
E35e - ruianCtiPrvekCountry.pdf547.78 KB 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35f - ruianCtiPrvekMomc.pdf (673.24 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35g - ruianCtiPrvekMop.pdf (664.10 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35h - ruianCtiPrvekObec.pdf (562.20 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35i - ruianCtiPrvekOkres.pdf (534.43 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35j - ruianCtiPrvekOrp.pdf (534.24 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35k - ruianCtiPrvekParcela.pdf (542.84 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35l - ruianCtiPrvekPou.pdf (533.50 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35m - ruianCtiPrvekRegionJustice.pdf (536.39 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35n- ruianCtiPrvekLegalDistrict.pdf (540.94 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35o - ruianCtiPrvekStat.pdf (530.08 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35p - ruianCtiPrvekStaveObject.pdf (547.30 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35q - ruianCtiPrvekUlice.pdf (533.55 KB) 01.02 19.12.2016
E35r - ruianCtiPrvekVusc.pdf (534.11 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35s - ruianCtiPrvekZsj.pdf (543.39 KB) 01.02 19. 12. 2016
E35t - ruianCtiPrvekVoterOkrsek.pdf (804.78 KB) 01.01 27. 12. 2017
E36 - ruianCtiAddress.pdf (412.86 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E37 - ruianVyhledejAdresu.pdf (429.02 KB) 01.00 1. 7. 2016
E38 - ruianCtiListOfChanges.pdf1.36 MB 01.03 21. 11. 2018
E39 - ruianSummaryAmendments.pdf (851.33 KB) 01.00 26 December 2016
E40 - ruianSouboryDat.pdf (852.54 KB) 01.00 26 December 2016
E170 - ruianSearchListAMVO.pdf (730.20 KB) 04.02 27. 12. 2016
E184 - ruianCtiListAddress.pdf (797.00 KB) 01.01 27.12.2016
E185 ruianCtiSeznamAD.pdf1.01 MB 01.00 15 Sep 2019
ORG-based services E45 - orgConsentAifo.pdf (467.83 KB) 01.00 8 May 2015
E46 - orgVoteAifo.pdf (470.50 KB) 01.00 8 May 2015
E69 - orgSpojZIFO.pdf (417,45 KB) 01.00 1. 7. 2016
E70 - orgRozdelZIFO.pdf (817.79 KB) 01.00 25. 12. 2016
E71 - orgCheckAIFO.pdf (410.16 KB) 01.00 14. 12. 2016
E75 - orgCtiDavkuAIFO.pdf (417.08 KB) 01.00 14. 12. 2016
E76 - orgPredchudciAIFO.pdf (413.17 KB) 01.00 14. 12. 2016
E77 - orgRodokmenAIFO.pdf (422.70 KB) 01.00 14. 12. 2016
E78 - orgCtiChangesAIFO.pdf (466.56 KB) 01.00 8 May 2015
E95 - orgZalozAIFOPE.pdf (796.78 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E199 - orgZjistiAis.pdf (661.47 KB) 01.00 14 July 2015
Services based on ISZR E62 - iszrReclaimDataRob.pdf (849.43 KB) 01.02 21. 12. 2016
E63 - iszrAdvertiseDataRos.pdf (943.02 KB) 01.05 5 February 2018
E97 - iszrCtiSeznamCiselniku.pdf (696.38 KB) 01.00 25. 12. 2016
E99 - iszrAsyncVypisFronty.pdf (365.10 KB) 01.02 13. 12. 2016
E100 - iszrAsyncResponseFronts.pdf (395.79 KB) 01.03 13. 12. 2016
E101 - iszrAsyncResponseFront.pdf (352.58 KB) 01.02 13. 12. 2016
E164 - iszrProbe.pdf (791.58 KB) 04.01 27. 12. 2016
E166 - iszrAuthenticationAis.pdf (691.89 KB) 01.01 27.12.2016
E175 - iszrUlozMapaAifo.pdf497.76 KB 06.01 18.07.2019
E176 - iszrPodejMapaAifo.pdf (761.78 KB) 04.02 28. 12. 2016
E177 - iszrCtiReclamaci.pdf (791.96 KB) 01.02 20 Dec 2016
E226 - eidentitaCtiAifo.pdf (707.01 KB) 01.00 29 November 2017
E227 - iszrListOpravneniPolozky.pdf (699.82 KB) 01.00 10 May 2018
RPP-based services E105 - rppCtiChanges.pdf (354.54 KB) 01.02 14 December 2016
E106 - rppListAgend.pdf (365.68 KB) 01.00 1 July 2016
E107 - rppListAgenda.pdf (369.16 KB) 01.00 1. 7. 2016
E115 - rppVlozRozhodnuti.pdf (735.85 KB) 01.00 27. 12. 2016
E129 - rppListOfOpportunitiesOVM.pdf (707.04 KB) 01.02 20 December 2016
E130 - rppListOfCapabilitiesOvm.pdf (701.41 KB) 01.02 20 December 2016
E135 - rppListOfServices.pdf (697.36 KB) 01.02 20.12.2016
E136 - rppListOfServices.pdf (699.54 KB) 01.02 20.12.2016
E140 - rppListSLA.pdf (689.94 KB) 01.00 26.12.2016
E148 - ppListRules.pdf (740.98 KB) 01.02 20 December 2016
E210 - rppListOvmSpuu.pdf (801.34 KB) 01.00 21.7.2017
E211 - rppListOvmSpuu.pdf (793.86 KB) 01.01 2 Sep 2018
E214 - rppListCategoryListOvmSpuu.pdf (767.25 KB) 01.00 25. 7. 2017
E215 - rppListCategoriesOvmSpuu.pdf (765.23 KB) 01.00 26 July 2017
E218 - rppCtiChangesOvmSpuu.pdf (764.19 KB) 01.00 23 July 2017
E219 - rppCtiEditoraOvmSpuu.pdf (756.78 KB) 01.00 24 July 2017
E228 - rppListOvmSpuu2.pdf (781.86 KB) 01.00 25 July 2018
E229 - rppListAgendu3.pdf (784.80 KB) 01.00 2 Sep 2018
E230 - rppCtiChangesToTheAgenda.pdf (770.88 KB) 01.00 25/07/2018
E231 - rppListOfActLists.pdf (776.57 KB) 01.00 25/07/2018
E232 - rppListOfContracts.pdf (768.55 KB) 01.00 2 Sep 2018
E233 - rppListOfOvm3.pdf (780.33 KB) 01.00 25 July 2018
E246-rppDescriptionAgendu4.pdf1.04 MB 01.00 1 April 2020
E247-rppDescriptionUkonNaZadost2.pdf1.04 MB 01.00 1. 4. 2020
E244 - rppListUdayAgenda.pdf1.03 MB 01.00 20. 11. 2019
E245-rppListOfOvm4.pdf1.05 MB 01.00 1 April 2020
AIS-based services - composite services E53 - isuiReclaimPrvek.pdf (1.01 MB) 01.08 3 May 2019
E41 - isknCtiOwners.pdf 449.27 KB 01.00 15 July 2020
E94 - isknAdvertisePrvek.pdf (1.37 MB) 01.00 14. 11. 2017
E158 - aiseoZtotozneni.pdf (765.50 KB) 04.01 27. 12. 2016
E162 - aiscCtiAifo.pdf(974.50 KB) 01.01 20. 3. 2018
E163 - aiscCtiPodleUdaju.pdf (981.75 KB) 01.01 20. 3. 2018
E171 - aiseoCtiAifo2.pdf (795.86 KB) 04.01 27. 12. 2016
E172 - aiseoCtiPodleUdaju2.pdf (812.45 KB) 04.02 1 Feb 2019
E188 - eopCtiAifo.pdf1.20 MB 02.03 26. 8. 2019
E189 - ecdCtiAifo.pdf1.13 MB 02.02 26 Aug 2019
E191 - eopCtiMassAifo.pdf1.16 MB 02.03 26 Aug 2019
E192 - ecdCtiMassAifo.pdf1.12 MB 02.02 26 Aug 2019
E194 - eopCtiPodleUdaju.pdf1.09 MB 02.03 24 Aug 2019
E195 - ecdCtiPodleUdaju.pdf1.14 MB 02.02 26 Aug 2019
E234 - isuiVyhledejParceluGP.pdf (761.24 KB) 01.00 29.10.2018
E235 - aispListIs.pdf (713.39 KB) 01.00 4 February 2019
E236 - aispListDetailIs.pdf (712.96 KB) 01.00 4. 2. 2019
E237 - aispCtiChangesIs.pdf (706.85 KB) 01.00 4. 2. 2019
E238 - isknCtiOwners2.pdf491.83 KB 01.00 15 July 2020
E242d - isknCtiPrvekKDatuKatastralniUzemi.pdf1.16 MB 01.01 26.11.2019
E242k - isknCtiPrvekKDatuParcela.pdf1.15 MB 01.01 26.11.2019

In addition to the above mentioned catalogue and list of services, there are 2 specific services categorized as composite services whose output relates to the photos and biometric signatures of electronic ID cards and passports

AIS-based services - composite services E197 - agendaMediaDataCtiAifo.docx 01.03 26.09.2017
E198 - agendaMediaDataCtiPodleUdaju.docx 01.03 26.09.2017
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