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Information strategy of the Czech Republic

The current version of the Information strategy of the Czech Republic is based on Government Resolution No. 644 of 15 June 2020.

All obliged entities under the Information Systems Act are obliged both to bring their information strategy and their information systems into compliance with the ICCR. The Information strategy of the Czech Republic is a strategy for the development of public administration information systems and eGovernment. The strategy is prepared by the Ministry of the Interior and approved by the Government. The strategy is developed on the basis of a relatively new provision of Section 5a of Act No. 365/2000 Coll., on public administration information systems and is a basic document containing mainly:

  • Architectural principles of eGovernment and electronicisation of public administration
  • Principles for ICT management in public administration
  • Basic strategyual obligations for building, developing and operating ISVS and their interconnection and for building shared EG services
  • Main and sub-objectives for the effective development of eGovernment and ISVS

In this wiki, the information strategy is presented in a different graphical form, otherwise the text for each object is identical to the approved original government document.

The following are the introductory chapters from the document Information strategy of the Czech Republic.

The Information strategy of the Czech Republic (also referred to as the "ICCR") is a basic document which sets out, on the basis of the mandate under Section 5 and paragraph 1 of Act 365/2000 Coll., on public administration information systems, the objectives of the Czech Republic in the field of public administration information systems (also referred to as ISVS) and the general principles of the acquisition, creation, management and operation of public administration information systems in the Czech Republic for a period of 5 years.

The Information strategy of the Czech Republic is binding for all state authorities and authorities of territorial self-government units, which are collectively referred to as public administration authorities in Section 1(1) of the ISVS Act, with the exception of the authorities referred to in Section 1(2)(b), i.e. with the exception of intelligence services.

In relation to the requirements set out in the implementing legislation provided for in Section 5(2), third sentence, of the ISVS Act, the Information strategy of the Czech Republic constitutes the basic content framework for the creation or updating of individual public administration bodies' own information strategy, the creation of which is envisaged by Section 5(2) of the ISVS Act.

As an overarching document, the Information strategy of the Czech Republic contains in particular:

  1. the objectives of the Czech Republic in the field of eGovernment and its support by public administration information systems,
  2. general architectural principles for the design and development of such information systems and their services,
  3. general principles of management of IT services and life cycle management of information systems.

It concludes with a list of separate follow-up documents that will be elaborated and implemented.

IKČR builds on the strategic objective SC3: Completion of eGovernment, of the currently valid strategic material of the public administration Strategic Framework for the Development of Public Administration of the Czech Republic for the period 2014-2020 (SRR VS) and further elaborates it so that it can be applied in the long-term management of the development of IS of individual OVS. In addition to the close link with the Digital Czech Republic material, the Information strategy is also linked to the emerging strategic material Client-oriented public administration 2030, which will build on the SRR VS both in time and thematically, and whose creation is mandated by Government Resolution No. 680 of 27 August 2014. On the basis of the close link between the two materials, the interventions of the Government and eGovernment areas will be mutually coordinated, with real coordination taking place on the platform of the Joint Steering Committee for eGovernment and Information Society Services, which will be the Government Council for the Information Society and the Government Council for Public Administration.

The proposed changes in the field of digitisation will also have a major impact on the general public administration, whose functioning and structure must be in line with the eGovernment activities.

The digital infrastructure of public administration is a complex set of methods, tools, services, software, technical equipment and the information systems and electronic applications implemented by them, through which effective online services can be provided, for clients, for officials and for connecting devices in the Internet of Things (IoT).

An eGovernment is then a modern digital public administration, using digital infrastructure to perform its activities, implementing a set of ICT services that are shared, interoperable, trusted, connected, accessible, secure and efficient.

The mission of eGovernment is to:

  • To provide online services to public administration clients in the simplest and most efficient way possible, facilitating both the achievement of their rights and entitlements and the fulfilment of their obligations and commitments to public administration.
  • For public administration officials to provide standardised, efficient, optimally public administration shared electronic services over reference/guaranteed data in the exercise of their statutory responsibilities.

The overarching goal of eGovernment in the Czech Republic is that by the end of the planning horizon of this strategy, the following will be true:

"The Czech Republic is one of the leading countries in the practical use of modern eGovernment services, which significantly contributes to the user-friendliness and overall efficiency of public authority performance"

This goal of eGovernment in the Czech Republic is at the same time the peak long-term goal of the Information strategy of the Czech Republic, which elaborates it into follow-up, binding and measurable goals implemented by responsible and cooperating public administration bodies in achieving the main goals. Its result indicator is the position of the Czech Republic in the ranking according to the DESI index of the European Commission and the state of fulfilment of individual main objectives of the Information strategy of the Czech Republic.

The fulfilment of the top objective of the Information strategy of the Czech Republic will be managed in the structure of five main objectives:


Changes related to the implementation of these objectives must be coherent, well targeted, discussed and accepted by both the public administration and the private sector. Close cooperation between digital service providers in public administration and the private sector, their ability to share ICT infrastructure, knowledge, experience, and above all the ability to perceive the needs of citizens and companies - clients, is a necessary condition for a qualitative shift of eGovernment in the Czech Republic.

In the course of the implementation of the IC of the Czech Republic, it became clear that the key task of the digital transformation of public administration organisations must be, in addition to expanding the scope and quality of digital services for clients, also a substantial increase in the efficiency of the internal functioning of these organisations. Therefore, the sub-objectives and targets supporting this area were transferred from the existing mainly externally oriented main objectives to the new main objective No. 6 - Efficient and flexible digital office. At the same time, the focus on digitisation of internal documents, modernisation of operational IS and introduction of other advanced management methods in addition to the previously mentioned process management have been expanded.

This chapter defines the essence of each of the main objectives and the sub-objectives by which they are implemented. For each headline target, an implementation plan will be drawn up in a separate follow-up document, including, inter alia, a clear definition of responsibilities, deadlines, resources and measurable indicators for each sub-target. The selected objectives of the IC CR will also be implemented through the Digital Czech Republic Programme Implementation Document for the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027

The content of the objective is the implementation of specific eGovernment services for all groups of the public (in particular citizens of the Czech Republic, businesses/entrepreneurs, but also foreigners on the territory of the Czech Republic), inter alia, in connection with the adopted regulation on the establishment of the Single Digital Gateway. It is not enough for online services to be user-friendly, they must also be secure and more efficient for both the client and the authority. These will primarily be services of first choice, enabling the resolution of the most common life situations in the various agendas of the public administration of the Czech Republic, and must be designed and built as such. ICT sector companies also play an important role, complementing government services with a category of commercial services related to public administration services. The fulfilment of this objective creates key value-added services for clients, the use of which can be measured and thus leads directly to the fulfilment of the benchmark of the main objective. The following headline targets then create the preconditions for the successful implementation of the sub-objectives under headline target 1. If the vision of the Czech Republic is to be fulfilled (the Czech Republic is to become one of the developed countries by using eGovernment services), our methodology for evaluating eGovernment in the Czech Republic must be particularly in line with the DESI index methodology of the European Commission, but also with the EGDI index of the United Nations (we must measure the same things and by the same standards).

This category of services (we also use the term from English "front-office" in the sense of serving end-users of public administration services) includes various communication channels (interfaces) from self-service fully digital to assisted with the help of a clerk.

Built services can be broadly divided into three groups:

  • information services (mainly the provision of information and knowledge to the public),
  • interactive services (individual provision of personalised information through different information channels); and
  • transactional services (typically filing of all types, including making a payment or booking an appointment for an attendance hearing, obtaining a confirmation and receiving a decision from the authority).

At the same time, we aim to implement as many so-called integrated online public administration services as possible, linking all three previous groups of online multi-office services together in one place, thus masking the real complexity and complexity of the exercise of public authority in the Czech Republic for the identified authenticated and authorized client.

The goal of eGovernment is not only the development of diverse online services, but also their unification and consolidation into common integrated online services, see the principle of "One State (Whole-of-Government)".

The above-mentioned activities will be in line with the adopted Regulation on the establishment of the Single Digital Gateway and the timetable for the implementation of these activities will correspond to the deadlines set by this Regulation.

Sub-objective 1.1: Catalogue of public administration services

Establish a national catalogue and search engine of public administration services. The public must be able to find out in one place and in a simple way about all existing services, electronic, assisted and those still necessarily present (traditionally, performed by a civil servant); here the prerequisite for objective 1.2 is created.

The basic idea is to link services to an improved definition of life/business events/situations, oriented to issues according to public perception (not to laws or agendas as it is now). At the same time, services must be presented in a consistent and understandable way in places where the client intuitively expects them.

Furthermore, services must be consistently linked (internally) to the agendas and processes through which they are implemented, within the framework of the authorities' enterprise architecture model (link to Objective 5.3).

Each proposed online service will be approved at the design stage and then certified before publication in the catalogue.

The catalogue of on-line services of the SS will be published on the Portal of Public Administration (PVS) and its sub-sections on the websites of the individual authorities. Similarly, there will be a national Catalogue of internal electronic on-line services for civil servants.

Sub-objective 1.2: Inform the public about services

Next generation central information services. Building a new simple and unified public information system:   

  • Utilizing a public administration portal with a new federalized search function across all authority websites.
  • Building a call centre service with a knowledge/expertise system enabling the public to obtain information "on demand" from all fields/areas of public authority from a single point of contact with the possibility of using subject matter experts from individual departments (or third party experts) at a second level to solve the required tasks.

Sub-objective 1.3: Develop universal front-office services

Development of shared services of universal front-office service channels (Czech POINT, Data boxes, Public Administration Portal, etc.) for the implementation of actions towards the public administration (filing and delivery) and full electronic filing services (UEP), using electronic identification of the subject of law.

The Portal of Public Administration (PVS) will become a real and single 100% signpost for all online integrated (information, interaction and transaction) public administration services. At the same time, it is necessary to transform the existing and newly emerging portals and websites of OVS (ministries and local self-government units) so that all of them, together with PVS, create a homogeneous interface of public administration services for citizens and companies. In a similar way, the PVS will provide a service to civil servants towards specific support services (information, interactive and transactional) in the form of a "Civil Servant Portal" with a separate user interface from the interface for the public.

The Czech POINT platform as a contact point of public administration will be transformed into a full-fledged filing workplace, enabling the implementation of eGovernment services in an assisted form without local jurisdiction, 100% equivalent to the online services of the PVS and its federated portals of central authorities, including all agencies in delegated competence.

Data boxes will also allow submissions to be made in cases of specialised procedural requirements of individual agencies (construction procedures, public procurement, etc.).

Sub-objective 1.4: Development of departmental client services

Development of online "front-office" services of individual ministries using shared services. Priority will be given to areas with insufficient number or level of on-line services (eHealth, education, eJustice, transport, construction, construction management, …).

Deep digital restructuring of the actual content of individual (sectors) is detailed in the Digital Economy and Society strategy.

Sub-objective 1.5: Develop a National Open Data Catalogue

Improve the national open data catalogue. The quantity and especially the quality of the content of published open data is key to building advanced services leading to a knowledge society. The aim is to have all key public data published in a way that allows easy machine processing.

At the same time, however, it is necessary to set up processes and responsibilities, and to establish resources for consistent local and central control of open data, whether individually or in combination they are a risk to the security and interests of the country and its citizens.

Sub-objective 1.6: Establish roles and responsibilities for OVM services

Establish roles within OVS responsible for electronic client services, across agencies, and identify service administrators. Staff in this role will be responsible, as subject matter administrator, for the development of a full-fledged transactional portal for the Authority, linked to the Portal of Public Administration (PVS), using electronic identification of users and supported by functional integration of information flow between the Authority's agency IS (OVS) and other data sources from the linked VS data pool (PPD). These staff will also be the administrators of the single catalogue of on-line services of the OVS and thus the natural partners of the Office for the central management of the portal and the catalogue of services in the PVS.

The representatives of the professional units responsible for an agenda are always the Administrators of the individual electronic services in that agenda. Within this role:

  • they are also responsible for the implementation of IT support for these online services and their development.
  • They are also the administrators of the information systems that support the services, i.e. they determine the purpose, functional scope and conditions of operation of these systems for their technical administrators and operators.

Sub-objective 1.7: System of public and stakeholder involvement in the improvement of EG services

Establish a system for processing public input and suggestions for service improvement, including e.g. reducing administrative burden through eGovernment tools. The system includes collection of feedback on online services and their effective use in service management by their administrators, central platform and support for clients/complainants, monitoring and escalation of unresolved suggestions up to the level of central coordination.

Sub-objective 1.8: User-friendliness methodologies and principles

Incorporate UX/UI methodologies into the design of information systems. The IS development specifications will include requirements for analysis and design from a user friendliness (UX/UI) perspective, for different segments of internal and external IS users. The development of IS for public administration will include public testing.

Improvement in the area of eGovernment services depends on adequate legislation - existing and newly adopted. A good legislative process is the basis for both the adoption of new legislation and the amendment of existing legislation (here in the sense of its "digital friendliness", which should become a natural part of newly adopted and revised legislation).

The rules of digitisation of public administration services are being developed both at the national level and at the European level, where the Czech Republic should become an active member state in this respect and have more influence on the very creation of new legislative and non-legislative EU measures. The legislation at the national level should make use of the transposition possibilities allowed by European law and at the same time should enable and support the development of modern technologies by its diction.

The legal order as a whole should not only be digitally friendly, but should also not impede the use of digital tools and services that meet 21st century technological standards.

Sub-objective 2.1: Ensure the obligation to create digitally friendly legislation

Ensure the obligation to create digitally friendly legislation in line with the Principles for the Creation of Digitally Friendly Legislation. Draft legislation will be assessed for digital impacts (Digital RIA - DIA). The expert guarantor of the DIA will be the RVIS Working Committee on DPL. The obligation to obtain the RVIS opinion will be managed according to the Government's Legislative Work Plan.

In this way, to ensure in legislation compliance with all the basic principles (architectural principles of eGovernment), in particular the principles of "data only once" and "digital by default" for all newly introduced and existing public services provided in the form of digital services. (Digital and physical services must be equal).

In doing so, ensure coordination of legislation across the entire life cycle of statutory provisions, including retrospective impact assessment of the legislation in question as part of ex post RIA.

Sub-objective 2.2: Contribute to the development of European legislation

The objective is deleted as it is fully covered by the objectives of the CDE and DES pillars.

Sub-objective 2.3: eCollection and eLegislation projects

Completion of the eCollection and eLegislation projects, including the connection of the developed information systems to other ISVS, to civil servants' portals, to the public administration portal (citizen portal), to the central call-centre and to interfaces to third-party systems. Subsequent development of solutions for the creation and publication of legal regulations of local self-government units and for linking case law and other documents relevant for the interpretation of law with the texts of legal regulations in the eCollection.

Sub-objective 2.4: Analyse and adapt legislation for EG services

Ongoing analysis of existing legislation (laws, decrees, government regulations and resolutions) and draft amendments to agency laws and basic procedural regulations (Administrative Code, Tax Code, Civil Procedure Code, Building Code, … ) or proposals for measures of a non-legislative nature that would enable the provision and accessibility of online transaction services to clients and officials in line with the objectives and principles of this strategy and the NAP, thus enabling the fulfilment of the ICCR's vision of using these services for the most common life events.

Sub-objective 2.5: Anchor the right to digital services

Legal anchoring and/or strengthening of citizens' and businesses' rights to digital services, including the necessary modification of existing laws governing eGovernment and other related laws restricting the use of eGovernment tools for the provision of public services, including the introduction and/or strengthening of citizens' and businesses' right to digital services.

Sub-objective 2.6: Update eGovernment legislation

Analyse the effectiveness of all eGovernment laws and decrees and update them, as appropriate, to support the realisation of the objectives of this strategy. 365/2000 Coll., 111/2009 Coll., 106/1999 Coll., 300/2008 Coll., 250/2017 Coll. and Decree No. 53/2007 Coll., 528/2006 Coll., 529/2006 Coll., 442/2006 Coll. and other laws and decrees related to the electronicisation and digitisation of public administration.

Sub-objective 2.7: Analysis of EG services towards the commercial sector and clients

Analyse and enable the outreach of eGovernment services and their use to private sector entities. It is important for the development of digital services and the growth of the productivity of the Czech economy that shared eGovernment services (e-identification, CzechPOINT, PVS (Citizen Portal), data boxes, basic registers, etc.) can be used especially by heavily regulated business sectors (banking and insurance, energy, telecommunications and water, etc.) as well as by other private entities.

Sub-objective 2.8: Methodology for public procurement in ICT and EG

Issue a methodology for ICT procurement, and amend the Public Procurement Act, as appropriate, to allow for IS lifecycle management in line with the principles of this strategy and according to their long-term development plans in line with the authorities' enterprise architecture and the NAP. It is necessary, for example, when awarding a procurement contract, to determine in advance the optimal period of operation of the ISVS in terms of its implementation, routine operation and long-term sustainability, so as to avoid, after a short period (e.g. 4 years), rapid changes bringing an increased risk of implementation and migration to a new solution that will be functionally comparable to the existing solution.

Sub-objective 2.9: New legislative proposals to support eGovernment

Draft new legislation to support eGovernment, in particular the Archives and Records Management Act, the National Spatial Information Infrastructure Act and the BIM Act, among others. This objective builds on the approval of the Right to Digital Service Act (Objective 2.5) and complements Objective 2.6 with projects to create or "digitise" regulations that, along with those listed in 2.6 above, will become additional statutory pillars of eGovernment. The individual laws will represent the intentions/projects of this long-term sub-objective.

The aim of the measure is to create an environment supporting Czech society in digital transformation in cooperation with social partners and other entities. The implementation of this objective, together with legislative adjustments, is a key prerequisite for a significant shift in the whole field of education, research and development, ICT infrastructure, legislation, labour market, standardisation and cyber security. The focus should be on creating favourable conditions for eGovernment. Encourage companies and citizens to adopt digital technologies. Create an enabling environment for the creation, development and testing of digital and mobile services and the related setting of citizens' expectations.

'Digitalisation' naturally refers to the transformation of previously non-digitalised content into fully digital content, but it also includes a shift in the important and complex area of establishing a conclusive electronic identity for all entities, as well as improving the quality of previously low-quality, existing digital content (e.g. the content of the Register of Rights and Obligations).

In terms of the prerequisites for the effective use of eGovernment and improving the international competitiveness of the Czech Republic, the development of high-speed networks, especially the availability of high-speed internet, is also a crucial area. This objective also includes the development of public administration communication infrastructure.

Ensuring the security of digital services is crucial for a digitalised public administration to function well and for organisations and citizens to have confidence in it. This includes defending against cyber-attacks and ensuring an efficient and high-quality cyber-infrastructure, as well as protecting the privacy and personal and business data of users

Sub-objective 3.1: Use ESF funds to develop digitalisation

When designing the new programming period, the Czech Republic will actively promote the allocation of ESIF funds to support the digital technology environment, within the framework of the ICD for the development of the scope and availability of e-government services.

Sub-objective 3.2: Digitisation of non-digitised content

Digitisation of as yet undigitised content important for promoting competitiveness and the development of eGovernment services for the public. This includes, for example, intellectual property holdings, library and cultural heritage holdings, the completion of the digitisation of the land registry, the digitisation of spatial planning outputs, in particular spatial plans, project documentation, the digitisation of historical official documents, construction support agendas, etc. The digitisation of hitherto undigitised content and the merging of different datasets on territory and amenities can also greatly facilitate the planning of investment support for the tourism sector.

Sub-objective 3.3: Digitisation and management of official documents and official content

Create an environment for long-term storage and archiving of digital (official) content as a prerequisite for fully digital, paperless public administration processes.

Sub-objective 3.4: Improve the quality of the Register of Rights and Obligations and its content

Improve, update and validate the content of the Register of Rights and Obligations. This includes in particular the improvement of the description of the decomposition of agency activities, agency roles and the correct registration of agency, operational and other systems (ISVS) to the relevant agencies, in relation to information on access control to data items, including spatial. It also includes the management of codebooks of all data relevant for the management of eGovernment services (life events and situations, IS components and their services, datasets, etc.). In general, it concerns eGovernment management (meta) information and the so-called META-information system (Meta-IS).

In this context, the increasing use of these tools in the development and management of services requires simplifying their operation and linking them naturally to the life cycle of public administration agendas and information systems.

Without the flawless operation and continuous improvement of all basic registers, the other objectives of the ICCR, including the citizens' right to digital services - Objective 2.5 - cannot be met.

Sub-objective 3.5: Development of the state's communication infrastructure

Update and implement the strategy in the area of building and using the communication infrastructure of the public administration.

The public administration's communication infrastructure, including the Central Service Point (CMS), must become a shared, secure and managed communication environment, in particular for all administrators of agency systems for the execution of the government's agenda under delegated competences. It must enable secure interconnection of the online services provided with their users, both within the public administration and for clients on the Internet. The entire communication infrastructure must be cost-effective, without unnecessary duplication in communication channels, robust and secure with defined and measurable parameters of individual services in the form of SLAs. It will continue to be built in a multi-source manner, using the public administration's own infrastructure and commercial services.

The public administration communication environment is a tool enabling accessible, reliable and secure communication between individual IT systems and users of these systems. The public administration communication environment is necessary, among other things, for use in ensuring internal order and security, national security and crisis management. A secure and sufficiently resilient path for the transfer of information between the public administration units concerned, whose information and decision-making potential is crucial in the event of a rapid response, is a necessary technical prerequisite for the resilience of the State to all threats without distinction. The existence of a functional infrastructure parametrically corresponding to the services provided, with a possible reserve for further development of these services, is also a condition for further development of eGovernment and the implementation of many government strategies (e.g. Digital Education Strategy 2020, Digital Literacy Strategy). To avoid spontaneous interventions in this environment (especially in the context of possible illegal public support), the development of the public administration communication environment needs to be planned and coordinated. The strategy for the development of the public administration communication environment will pursue long-term objectives and ensure efficient spending in this area.

Sub-objective 3.6: Develop electronic identification (EID) systems

Put a trusted electronic identification system into practice. The objective includes both electronic identification of citizens and representatives of legal entities (NIA, ID cards with biometric chip, new state identification means "mobile key", development of commercial providers of electronic identification, e.g. bank identity - BankID, etc…) and foreigners, as well as common central physical and electronic identification of officials through a single authentication system (Single Sign-On). The objective also includes means for electronic signature and seal for officials and authorities, and their provision as a shared service of the state. The objective also includes the provision of computerisation of authorisations to act on the basis of statutory powers of attorney, agency-specific powers of attorney, professional qualifications (doctors, civil engineers and technicians, etc.) and other authorisations (driving licences, firearms licences, etc.). Part of the objective is the managed migration of the now proprietary identity space of Data Boxes to the appropriate shared electronic identification service - the National Identity Authority (NIA).

Sub-objective 3.7: Spatial data

Development and operation of core services and implementation of a data sharing strategy between public administration and the private sector in the form of Digital Public Administration Maps, in particular Digital Technical Maps, and other authoritative broadly usable data sources (e.g. based on methods such as BIM - Building Information Modelling, etc.) as integral parts of the National Spatial Information Infrastructure.

Sub-objective 3.8: Cybersecurity

Support cybersecurity measures for public administration. The content of the objective is to ensure trust and security of internal and external digital services of public administration by implementing the Action Plan to the National Cyber Security Strategy of the Czech Republic for the relevant period and other measures not included in other objectives of the CI of the Czech Republic. The measures of this objective for public administration are related to the measures of the DES HC5 objectives for the whole society, in particular sub-objectives 5.4 and 5.5.

The objective has been moved from DES 5.1 as it is focused exclusively on public administration and thus belongs to the ICR.

Following the expansion of powers and responsibilities of staff in the transformation of authorities, increasing the level of competencies (competence), overall capacity and its effective use, especially for ICT staff in the public sector, are a key priority of the ICCR. Although the strategy envisages a radically better use of experts and services from the private sector, public eGovernment services cannot be dependent on the private sector. A number of historical "vendor lock-in" solutions, in addition to financial losses for eGovernment, are also a significant impediment to development. The overall solution to the objective will be neither simple nor short. However, a well-defined strategy can deliver significant benefits relatively soon. These include a new policy for finding and working with IT specialties within the state in particular, promoting and building the image of this work, and better linking the state's digital services needs with the education system.

It is necessary to distinguish a functioning, long-term and balanced partnership with "fair" conditions for both parties, with the possibility of "exit" from vendor-lock-in.

This objective includes the implementation of specific tasks so that the internal structure, functions and performance of public administrations and their readiness to implement continuous change and improvement are aligned with the increasing demands on the quantity and quality of e-government services and the cost-effectiveness of their implementation. This also represents increasing demands on the quantity and quality of ICT staff, but also in other roles involved in key changes, despite the increasing efficiency of authorities overall.

Authorities need to understand their services, have sufficient capacity, competence and responsibility for their continuous development in line with changing legislation, feedback on services from clients, their changing user habits and changing technological capabilities and standards.

The capacity of competent officials to engage in the design and implementation of change also needs to be increased by freeing them up through the increasing internal efficiency of the authorities, be it the continued digitisation and simplification of the authorities' internal processes and the provision of simple and consolidated electronic tools such as the official portal.

Sub-objective 4.1: Adjustments to the systematisation and cataloguing of IT and DPL professions

Proposed changes to the systematisation and cataloguing of ICT professions and professions involved in the design and change management of public administration (process analysts, office architects, project managers and other specialists e.g. geoinformaticians, service designers) and in quality management and service improvement (client service managers, quality managers, process managers).

The objective includes adding the types of systematised posts, adding the missing expert professions to the catalogue of occupations in the SS and adding the number of table posts for these needed professions

Sub-objective 4.2: Measures to attract and retain key specialists within the public administration

Design and implementation of measures to attract, retain and develop key specialists, ICT, change management, service management, process and quality experts in selected service and staff professions to meet the objectives of eGovernment development, in particular the introduction of measures in the following areas:

  • openness and permeability of the public administration labour market for the aforementioned experts,
  • a pay policy and a system of remuneration of civil servants according to their achievements, to ensure
  • competitiveness of the public administration on the labour market,
  • the incentive system in the area of non-financial motivation and benefits for civil servants,
  • a system of training and knowledge sharing for civil servants in selected professions.

Sub-objective 4.3: Intensive cooperation with universities

In cooperation with Universities, design and implement a system that will ensure a higher inflow of quality graduates in the required professions into public sector employment and ensure their retention for a defined period of time (e.g. through a conditional scholarship system).

Sub-objective 4.4: Shared competence centres and capacity building

Increase overall professional capacity using shared competence centres. The objective includes optimising both staff sharing and capacity enhancement with private sector experts (used not as solution providers, but in the form of allocating a certain capacity of specific people to the necessary roles). Competence centres and communities will ensure the necessary consistency of approach as well as sharing of best-practice, for example in the area of office architecture or service design and user interfaces.

Sub-objective 4.5: Institutionalize key services and roles in the authorities

Establish transformation units of the Project Office and the Architecture Office at the level of direct support to the top management of the Authority. Along with this goes the obligation to practically fulfill the purpose of these offices through full programme and project management (not just record keeping) and the use of a systemic Authority Architecture (EA) approach at all levels of strategic planning and management of the OVS.

Sub-objective 4.6: Competence and resources to implement change

Promote competencies and ensure capacity to implement change. The objective is to support systematized service and staff positions, at least for managerial, methodological, cross-cutting management (architecture, project management, safety, audit, quality, etc.) and IT roles, so that their active participation in the planning, management, design and implementation of the authorities' changes is an integral part of their role.

The planned capacities of the systematised posts and posts in the roles that can (should) participate in the change of the authorities, see above, must be increased so that all staff can participate in the change primarily during normal working hours - change implementation is the main job for some of them.

Sub-objective 4.7: Introduce process and service management in public administration

Introduction of new roles and systematised posts to perform new management methods in the authority. The objective includes the establishment and fulfilment of all necessary roles for the application of new management methods (see also objective 6.3), in particular the establishment of the roles of the Authority's Electronic Services Manager (see also Objective 1.6) and Process and Service Quality Manager (see also Policies Z6, Z7 and Z10), or equivalent

Objective reduced to staffing measures, substantial part of objective moved to HC6 and split into separate objectives 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3

Sub-objective 4.8: Develop the education and training system for public administration staff towards EG

Establish a staff training system to manage and implement change towards effective eGovernment.

Support the training of civil servants in digital competences, use of e-courses. Implementation of specific education and training programmes supporting the development of specific and non-transferable digital competences, which include activities to identify gaps in transferable digital competences and motivate staff to develop them.

Inclusion of digital literacy of public officials/employees in the staff evaluation process.

Raise awareness among public administration HR managers of the importance of digital literacy for the performance of employees' work activities, of appropriate forms of digital competence development, of the possibilities of proving and demonstrating digital competences among job applicants, and of existing methodological and informational bases for targeted digital competence training.

The scope of this major objective includes in particular the overall management of the implementation of the ICD and the overall central coordination of the development of the eGovernment area. It is therefore more of a long-term management/implementation process compared to the other objectives. It is here that clearly definable medium-term objectives are capable of delivering significant improvements to the whole, such as the introduction of eGovernment management using standardised 'Enterprise Architecture' principles and practices, improving the management of the associated knowledge, and the implementation of shared services architecture into the individual public authority architectures, introducing centralised management of SOEs and agencies specialised in the provision of ICT services and building institutional competence to methodically manage the processes of the IT departments of the PSCs and to manage all phases of the ISVS lifecycle, in order to optimise the performance and overall efficiency of eGovernment as a whole. In the case of the introduction of centralised management, it will be necessary to evaluate its non-legislative and legislative options for its solution with regard to its impact on competition, public procurement, budget rules and the management of state property (e.g. amendment of Act No. 77/1997 Coll., on State Enterprise and others).

The aim is, on the basis of centralised knowledge of the intentions of modernisation and development of the State Security ICT, to start coordinating these actions with each other, to minimise unnecessary overlaps and to make the most of the possible synergy of available financial, personnel and time resources and knowledge of all levels of the State Security of the Czech Republic.

Sub-objective 5.1: Implementation of the ICCR management process

The sub-objective includes the establishment of optimal management structures (within the RVIS, with extended powers of the Government Commissioner for Information Technology and Digitisation), the status of supporting expert teams and automated support for the process (knowledge management, task/step management including responsibilities and deadlines). This area includes the optimisation of the structures of the RVIS and its working committees and working groups, as well as the coordination of the activities of the guarantors of the different objectives of the information strategy and the relevant sub-strategies. The objective includes the top-level management of the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of the objectives of the CR Information strategy. Architecture management is divided into specific objective 5.3.

Sub-objective 5.2: Allocation of human and institutional resources for the implementation of the ICCR

Allocation of adequate human and financial resources for the implementation of the IC CR. In order to implement the proposed main objectives, it is necessary to create high quality expert teams with the participation of leading experts from the public and private sectors. For the implementation of the objectives it is necessary to allocate centrally adequate funds both from the state budget and by appropriate adjustment of the use of structural funds.

Building central expertise and capacity to methodically manage ICT management processes in the OVS. In order to support the effective management of the IT departments of the OVS and the entire life cycle of their IS, it is necessary to build an institutional central competence for these processes (ITIL, CoBIT, IT4IT), which will be the authority and methodological umbrella for the OVS.

Build a central competence for the approval of digital online services at the design stage and for their release within the framework of the central management of the catalogue of public administration services.

Sub-objective 5.3: Establish principles for the management and development of architecture in authorities

Introduce the principles and practices of "Enterprise Architecture" and at the same time "Agile Management" into eGovernment management at all levels. This objective includes in particular the discussion of the content and publication of a binding National National Architectural Framework and National Architectural Plan of the Czech Republic and their application in the design and implementation of OSS architectures. The aim is to build the capacity in the authorities to manage and implement change that will also be a long-term strategyual, but at the same time be flexible in responding to changing needs, allowing to innovate, test and learn from mistakes.

An integral part of the objective is the implementation of the Shared Services Architecture model and its mandatory introduction into public authority architectures, including its use in management processes, planning and implementation of eGovernment projects. The objective is, among others, a prerequisite for the optimal implementation of sub-objective 1.1 (Catalogue of public authority services).

Sub-objective 5.4: Implementation of a model of cooperation between OVM and infrastructure companies

Realization of an optimal model of coordination between state organizations and enterprises specialized in providing ICT services. The objective is aimed at optimising the management of the delivery of ICT services of all existing and future state organisations providing ICT services to other public authorities.

Sub-objective 5.5: eGovernment cloud

Establish an eGovernment cloud. The objective includes the creation of an eGovernment Cloud (eGC), consisting of government and commercial parts, for the needs of the public administration of the Czech Republic - online services at the levels of IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service) and SaaS (Software as a Service). In the commercial part of the eGC, we focus on providing various services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) of commercial providers tendered through a dynamic purchasing system. The government part of the eGC focuses on building shared platforms (PaaS) and infrastructure (IaaS) for unique and centrally provided statutorily defined ISVS services.

Sub-objective 5.6: Standardization in EG and AServices

Issue and update national functional and service standards. In order to ensure uniform equivalent solutions and their procurement through NDS in eGC (especially operational information systems), it is necessary to maintain standards for functional specifications of key type solutions, as well as for the integration of central and local ISVS it is necessary to standardize services and interfaces, or for intuitive use of services it is a standard for user interface design of online services. For ICT service management, standard type SLAs and OLAs (service and operation level agreements) are required.

Strengthening inter-ministerial cooperation in building ICT solutions (sharing source code, experience, services). This is an area in which the public administration is very weak and joint IT projects would in practice lead to savings while achieving better results.

Sub-objective 5.7: Supporting delegated agendas through data sharing and AIS

Support data sharing of agency systems for the execution of government agendas under delegated competences. These agency information systems must have a logically centralised architecture provided by the administrator (the agency's notifier), ensuring the provision of services regardless of local jurisdiction, in integration with other agency systems and with the operational systems of the OVM operating in the agency, and including solutions for self-service and assisted client access.

In other words, this means that all subject matter administrators - notifiers of agendas implemented under delegated competences, by providing services of central shared components of the relevant ISVS (AIS), integrable to the necessary local solutions of service providers (e-Filing service, EkIS - budgeting, GIS, etc. ), or by issuing a standard for the development, integration and operation of local agency information systems for the performance of this agenda, or by a combination of these and other measures, together with possible modification of agency legislation, to find and ensure IT solutions for the support of the agenda that fulfil the principles of eGovernment according to this ICD, in particular the integration into universal user interfaces (anytime and anywhere) and the provision/acceptance of reference and authoritative data. Such solutions must also include a complete self-service and assisted citizen front-office, i.e. an agenda portal accessible from the PVS and key agenda tasks also available in CzechPOINT.

Sub-objective 5.8: Support for agenda systems for the exercise of autonomous competences

Support the building of shared agenda systems in the self-governing competence, file service and document circulation and operational systems (Mail, ERP, HR). As highly unified areas of IT support for processes with the sole responsibility of the OVS, these systems are gradually being migrated to shared multitenant (tenanted) solutions, at different levels of shared data centres in local government or in the commercial part eGovernment Cloud.

The development of systems under this objective is a prerequisite for further optimisation and computerisation of the OVS processes and the provision of internal online services for the efficient work of officials, see main objective 6. This specific objective is aimed at the coordinated and centralised development of shared services in this area, as a complement to the individual solutions under Objective 6.4.

Sub-objective 5.9: Development of the Linked Data Facility (PPDF)

The Linked Data Pool, currently consisting mainly of the Basic Registers, will continue to be developed with additional authoritative sources of non-public data from key areas of public administration (transport, health, social services…), both textual and spatial, with a clearly defined guarantor and editor. These sources will be linked to the RoW and to each other and to the EU through the main linked data bus (eGSB) implemented and operated within CMS. The core function of the Linked Data Pool is to implement the principles of "Only once" and "Data circulate, not people" into the normal practice of public administration in the Czech Republic. The Linked Data Pool (LDF) is the primary source of valid and legally binding non-public data for legal entities and for all public authorities in the exercise of their competences. Thus, the PPDF leads to the replacement of manual interactions between authorities by automated data exchange.

Sub-objective 5.10: Develop open data and public data and public services

The Public Data Pool, consisting of published public data of public administration, is the basic method for sharing public information between public entities with each other and for sharing public data between the public and private spheres in the country. The Public Data Pool will move from the mere publication of automated readable Open Data to the publication of legally binding, valid and regularly updated datasets with a clearly defined responsibility of the OSC for such datasets.

Sub-objective 5.11: Develop geoinformatics and spatial information

Development and operation of information systems managing spatial data, as part of the National Spatial Information Infrastructure, to support the performance of public administration agendas such as construction management, spatial planning and territorial development, crisis management, national defence, environmental protection, agriculture, transport, heritage care, property management, respecting the strategy of data sharing and eGovernment services

The potential of geo-information and information as open data will be further developed.

Sub-objective 5.12: Evaluation of ICD implementation and feedback

Effective coordination, planning, control and feedback of the implementation of the ICD and other IT contracts. The objective includes measures aimed at institutional, financial, staffing and ICT support for effective coordination, planning and control of the implementation of the ICCR and other ICT contracts, including evaluation of the success of the ICCR objectives and goals by means of a satisfaction survey of the public, OVS management, IT professionals and OVS, including evaluation of media feedback.

Sub-objective 5.13: Next generation IS

Building next generation agency information systems. The objective focuses on all agency information systems to support the performance of services for external public authority clients, except for solutions included in specific objectives 5.7 (logically centralised systems for the performance of services under delegated competence) and 5.8 (shared systems of local governments). These are therefore mainly other agency systems of central administrations, used in their own remit, by themselves and by other authorities.

External services for clients will never be sufficiently functional without a fundamental transformation of the internal workings of the authorities and their permanent changes (improvement, adaptation). The road to digital services must lead through a fundamental simplification and computerisation of the entire implementation processes. Simplifying communication and processes is one of the basic sources of efficiency of public administration and an integral part of the responsibility of administrators for the processes of managing these services, alongside digitisation.

Like the client (citizen or organisation), the civil servant has the right to effective IT services to support the performance of his/her functions in the provision of public administration services. The civil servant should also have all the information available in one place, in the ergonomic Frontend of the Civil Servant Portal, accessible from different sources in a back-end integration. He is to access everything with a single electronic identification.

Even the support and operational functions of the authorities must be digitally transformed so that they do not burden officials with administration and fundamentally facilitate, shorten and streamline the delivery of internal services of the authority. This will further increase the scope for officials to provide services to external clients. We are therefore moving towards a paperless Office supported by mutually integrated operational systems providing services in the Clerk's Portal.

The digital transformation of the internal operations of the Office and its external services cannot be achieved without strengthening and continuously developing the ICT infrastructure of the Office. Its structure and functions will also change in line with the transfer of a number of IT services to the eGovernment Cloud.

Sub-objective 6.1: Support the work of civil servants

Efficient and user-friendly IT support for the work of civil servants. The objective includes both the development of a "Clerk's Portal" as a single comprehensive and unified user and access interface for officials of each individual authority, and central shared applications and information resources that will provide their services to officials in the Clerk's Portal using a single electronic identity of the public employee. Each civil servant will find all the necessary information for his/her work in one place, in the intranet of his/her office, which will become the "Civil Servant Portal" by gradually enabling online self-service transactions for civil servants. Each local Official's Portal includes all of the gradually added central online services for officials (purchasing, eCollection, civil service, …). For small offices without their own employee self-service and local Clerk Portal, the central services will be available in the central Clerk Portal. There will be a national Catalogue of shared online e-services for civil servants, which will be classified within the scope of individual staff roles in the local Clerk's Portal. Relevant services (informational, interactive and transactional) of the Civil Service Portal will be part of the content of the Civil Service Portal.

Objective moved from 1.1, 1.3 and 4.7 and modified.

Sub-objective 6.2: Internal computerisation

Digitization of internal activities and documents of the office - end of referrals and applications. Simplification, computerisation and automation, unification and sharing of processes and services is an integral part of optimisation. In addition to DC 6.3, this objective aims to computerise and share the Authority's internal activities and documents (agency and operational) wherever this is feasible and cost-effective in terms of the number and complexity of activities (3E).

Objective moved from 4.7 and modified.¨

Sub-objective 6.3: New methods of managing the Authority

Introduce new methods of office management and use of shared services. The objective includes strategy management as an ongoing process, project management of resources in implementing change, process management of agendas and support/operational activities (including process management of IT using modern standards), management of services to external and internal clients, support for quality improvement/enhancement processes and cyber security practices.

All agency and operational activities of the Authority will be decomposed in order to identify those that will be performed in a unified manner and those that will be performed centrally, as an internal shared service of the Authority or using the corresponding central shared services of the State. An integral part and condition of the introduction of new management methods is the filling of new roles within the Authority (see Objective 4.7).

Objective moved from 4.7 and modified.

Sub-objective 6.4: New operational and support systems

Upgrade the Authority's support and operational information systems. The scope of the objective is to acquire, upgrade, modernise or replace all types of information systems (applications) needed to implement the digital transformation of the Authority, especially in the area of internal services. The objective is aimed at supporting the activities of the Authority, the support of which is not included in the specific sub-objectives 5.7, 5.8, 5.13, oriented towards application support of services for external clients of the Authority.

Sub-objective 6.5: Internal infrastructure

Modernise and strengthen the Authority's internal digital infrastructure. The objective includes all measures in the area of internal ICT technologies and services, combined with external and shared services, to ensure sufficient computing power, storage capacity, network connectivity, quality of endpoint and input/output devices and other requirements in the Offices, mainly related to the implementation of objectives 6.1 to 6.4.

This chapter contains an overview of the so-called architectural principles of eGovernment, i.e. general, long-standing rules, the application of which in the design and implementation of ISVS solutions will lead to the fulfilment of a substantial part of the objectives of this Information strategy. The principles are divided into two groups, in one chapter there are principles faithfully adopted from EU strategic documents and in the second chapter there are principles adopted from the practice of other successful countries and specific objectives and needs of this strategy.

An overview of the basic principles (architectural principles) that IKCR fully adopts from the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee of the Regions / EU eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020 / Accelerating the Digital Transformation of Public Administration:

EU Architectural Principle P1: Standard Digitized

EU/EIRA Source. Digital by default.

Description: Public administrations should provide services primarily digitally and self-service (in various forms, as digital documents and machine-readable data); at the same time, they must keep open other channels for those who cannot use digital services either by choice or for technical reasons. In addition, public services are to be provided in an assisted manner through a single point of contact and through different service channels. However, the right-holder must also have the right to choose the traditional service desks of the individual OVMs for communication with the public administration (opt-out principle). In other words, (a) there must be digital self-service services in addition to the original traditional paper-based services, and (b) new and substantially changed services should be designed first as digital, and only secondarily should the paper-based or assisted form be derived from the digital form, which, however, must not be absent as an equivalent option when the service is introduced.

EU Architectural Principle P2: The "only once" principle

Source: EU/EIRA. English (if any): Only once

Description: Public administrations must ensure that citizens and businesses provide the same information to the whole public administration only once. Where legally allowed, public administrations shall use this shared data repeatedly in the exercise of their competences, while complying with data protection rules. Similarly, no data must be manually entered into the public administration information system more than once (either by the client or by the official).

EU Architectural Principle P3: Promoting inclusion and accessibility

Source. Inclusiveness and Accessibility

Description: Public administrations must design digital public services to promote inclusion by default and to meet the different needs of e.g. older people and people with disabilities (accessibility).

EU Architectural Principle P4: Openness and transparency

Source: EU/EIRA. Openness and Transparency

Description: Public administrations should share information and data among themselves and must allow citizens and businesses to have access to check their own data and possible corrections; they must allow users to monitor administrative processes that affect them; and they must involve and cooperate with stakeholders (e.g. businesses, researchers and non-profit organisations) in the design and delivery of services.

EU Architectural Principle P5: Cross-border access as a standard

Source: EU/EIRA. Cross border interoperability

Description: Public administrations are to make relevant digital services available across borders and to prevent further fragmentation, thereby facilitating mobility in the Single Market.

EU Architectural Principle P6: Interoperability as a standard

Source: EU/EIRA. Interoperability by design


EU Architectural Principle P7: Trust and Security

EU/EIRA Source. Security & Privacy by design

Description: All initiatives are intended to go beyond mere compliance with the legal framework for data protection and privacy and IT security and to include these elements already in the design phase of the architecture of the performance of public services. Compliance with the principles of privacy by design and privacy by default, limiting the processing of personal data to its purpose and minimising the personal data processed is essential. These are important prerequisites for increasing trust and expanding the use of digital services.

The ICCR also relies on and supports the following architectural principles in its measures:

CR Architectural Principle P8: One State

Source. Whole-of-Government (if any).

Description: All initiatives and public services are to be built on a common approach of ministries and other OVMs to create and deliver public services and the gradual elimination of unwanted resortism and the creation of duplication. The principle is to share the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of individual services at and between all levels of government.

Architectural Principle P9: Shared Public Services

Source. Shared Services (if any).

Description. If new or amended legislation results in a public administration service, it should be designed as a shared service or using existing shared services.

Architectural principle P10: Readiness for change

Source. Flexibility (if any).

Description: Processes and IT solutions to support the delivery of public administration services must be designed to enable effective implementation of decisions that respond flexibly to changes in legal service parameters, changes in technology, changes in suppliers and other incoming changes and needs.

Architectural principle CR P11: eGovernment as a platform

Source. Embedded eGovernment (if any).


Architectural principle CR P12: Intrinsically digital only

Source. Inside only digital

Description: The only one who has the right to request documentary inputs or outputs is the client of the public administration. From the receipt of a submission to the issuance and delivery of a decision or other output, as well as communications between authorities with each other and all internal operational processes of the public administration must be fully electronic, paperless - if cost-effective to implement in this form (3E) and necessary for data sharing. Only in this way can the other principles mentioned above be fulfilled.

Architectural Principle CR P13: Open data as a standard

Source. Open Data by default.

Description. For non-public data, an anonymised form, summary or statistics, or similar form, must be published as open data if it may be relevant to the users of the data. Where public authorities share public data (including anonymised forms of non-public data, summaries or statistics) they must share them as open data.

Architectural principle CR P14: Technology neutrality

Source. Technological neutrality (if any).

Description: Digital public administration services must be technologically independent and neutral. It must be guaranteed that access to public services is not dependent on a specific (predefined) platform or technology.

Architectural principle CR P15: User-friendliness

Source. User-friendliness and accessibility

Description. The services must be understandable in the first place, adapted to the different requirements of the different target groups of service users in the population. The service should be open in terms of user interface, not limited to a proprietary interface or a single standard and not prejudging a single way of using the service.

Architectural principle CR P16: Consolidation and interconnection of public administration information systems

Source. IT Consolidation (if any).

Description. It is necessary to decompose public administration information systems into process (functional) coherent smaller components, and to share these components as much as possible for similar requirements of several agencies of one OSS or even between them. It is equally necessary to ensure the interconnection of ISVS and their data where they are useful and legally available for the performance of the agendas.

Architectural principle CR P17: Constraints on building monolithic systems

Source. Application decomposition.

Description: Competition from smaller, interdependent units will mean more opportunities for smaller, reliable contractors to supply the state. The goal is to compete for the best solution in a given area, not the largest solution on the market. In doing so, the decomposition of existing large systems and the construction of new solutions composed of components simultaneously supports process-oriented consolidation and sharing of solution elements, see P 16.

The practical application of all the architectural principles mentioned here will be further elaborated in a separate follow-up document: the National Architectural Plan for Public Administration of the Czech Republic, which is issued by the Ministry of the Interior in addition to the Information strategy of the Czech Republic.

Selected principles from both of these blocks are fully in line with the list of basic principles of the DPL. In particular, their application in the legislative process and control within the DPL will serve as a control mechanism for compliance with the principles, as well as the fact that OHA MV will not approve requests for an opinion on a project implementing services that do not meet the above principles. Such services will not be considered completed and will not be certified and listed in the PVS Catalog of Services and will not be included in the achievement of any major or sub-objective.

The following basic principles for the management of the IT services of the PSC and the ISVS lifecycle represent the minimum mandatory prerequisites for ensuring the coordinated development and successful implementation of changes to eGovernment services, designed according to the principles and fulfilling the above objectives, including the specific needs of the security forces.

ICT Governance Principle Z1: Client comes first

Source. Client first (if any).

Description: IT decision-making is focused on the delivery of effective services that represent distinct value to external and internal clients, beneficiaries and users of these ICT services in support of the delivery of public administration services. This means, among other things, that the newly built information systems are not to be a mere record (filing cabinet) of legally imposed data, but are to be a means of effective support of the processes of public administration service delivery. Both by supporting the work of the official and by supporting the self-service process on the part of the public administration client.

ICT Management Principle Z2: ICT Planning and Management Standards

Source. ICT standards (if any).

Description: Service development is managed using the established Enterprise Architecture and other related standards. The standardised procedures comply with the specifications of methodological standards and recommendations issued by the Ministry of Interior, in particular the National Architecture Framework with the possibility of using other related international standards (TOGAF, ArchiMate, COBIT, ITIL, IT4IT, UML…) for the management of EA and ICT processes and services.

ICT Governance Principle Z3: Strategic governance using IK OVS


Description. This includes both strategic changes, process optimisation needs and needs arising from the state of ICT. The IC of the OVS sets objectives oriented towards improving services to external clients (public) and internal clients (improvement of the entity). The third recommended group consists of objectives oriented towards IT improvement (service management). The IC of the OVS must support the realisation of the objectives of the entity's strategy/strategy, if set, must support the realisation of the objectives of the IC of the CR and must reflect the principles and principles set out by the latter. The objectives must meet the "SMART" specification, i.e. specificity/concreteness, measurability, achievability (there must be an allocation of financial and human resources for the realisation of the objective), relevance and timing.

ICT Management Principle Z4: Architecture Management


Description: The architecture of individual ICT solutions must be designed according to the business architecture of the agenda, in context to the architecture of the whole OSS and the whole eGovernment. In particular, the shared services of the OVS and eGovernment and the potential for further sharing must be taken into account.Each entity is required to maintain its EA model in a current state, at a level of detail appropriate to its size, and consistent with the mandatory content specified by the Ministry of the Interior that represents the common shared services and architecture elements, and consistent with the content of its Information strategy. The architecture is four layered, i.e. for each process/agenda there is a link to the relevant ISVS applications (and/or operational systems) that support the process, then a link to the relevant technology and communications infrastructure in which the systems are implemented and operated. Parts of the National Model (NAP) specifying the architecture of shared services must be incorporated into the EA model of the OVS. If an OVS provides a shared service, it must publish its EA model via the MV/OHA.

ICT Governance Principle Z5: Requirements and Change Management


Description. A functional requirements lifecycle management process (for new features, changes, risk elimination measures) is key in terms of information service management and architecture change management. Requirements must be continuously recorded, evaluated and incorporated into updates to the entity's information strategy, programme documents, investment plans, projects or minor change plans.

ICT Management Principle Z6: Performance and Quality Management


Description. The quality, performance and accountability in the management of ICT OSS will be regularly verified through audit and benchmarking.

ICT Governance Principle Z7: Managing accountability for services and systems


Description: Each agenda/process and its service shall have an owner (person) who determines the structure and performance of the process/agenda and is responsible for improvement, across all supporting IS. Each ISMS (or operational system) has a defined sponsor/manager (substantive and technical) and operator, across all supported agendas and services.

ICT Management Principle Z8: Service Catalogue Management


Description. Each entity updates, publishes and promotes its catalogue of public-facing electronic/digital services on the Internet and a similar catalogue of internal digital services on the intranet. The external catalogue of digital services is linked to relevant life/business events/situations. This catalogue is subsequently consolidated and published by the Ministry of the Interior on the public administration portal. Local authorities use part of the catalogue with templates created by the Ministry of the Interior within their delegated competences. The catalogue of internal ICT services of the OVS also includes services available to it as shared services from different levels of public administration.

ICT management principle Z9: Maintaining internal competences


Description. This is necessary to maintain independence from suppliers, continuity and a holistic view, and especially accountability. Staff in these roles maintain competence by actively engaging in all supplier-related activities and taking on their skills (Learning by doing).

ICT Management Principle Z10: Process Management


Description. This means, among other things, that each process has an owner/guarantor and defined outputs (services, products). In addition, defined tools (ISVS for agendas) and roles that use them and perform individual activities of the process/agenda. A role is not an organizational position. The supervisor/subordinate organizational structure hierarchy is not a process approach and is intended to address only emergencies that are not part of standard procedures.

ICT Management Principle Z11: Benefit and Value Management


Description: All decision making is guided by the principles of "Good Housekeeping" and "Value for Money". All ISVS projects must (along with the OHA form) have a developed "business case" type investment plan with clearly identified benefits to the public and/or the Authority. The OHA methodology of the Ministry of the Interior will be used for the development of the project's business case, enriched with proven elements of methodologies of other ministries, such as the logical framework method from the methodology of the Ministry of the Interior.

ICT Management Principle Z12: Resource Capacity Management


Description. The projects must then ensure that sufficient capacity is available in the sponsor's key personnel (OVS) who hold the know-how of the performance of each process, the use of existing (successor and/or replacement) systems and the operational/security standards of the sponsor. These capacities must be realistically allocated (transferred) to the project in proportion to their roles and project phases. This will, among other things, ensure the necessary transfer of knowledge from the project and from the contractor to the line structures of the OVS.

ICT Governance Principle Z13: Independence of design, management and quality control


Description. Only in case of unavailability of internal resources and competence centre resources, it is possible to outsource the PM role to an external entity by competition. The selected bidder must not have a relationship with the supplier or the operator. Similarly, it is useful to have an element of independent quality control in projects, both in terms of the quality of project management and the quality of the design and delivery of the solution. Key roles in the project must be separated. In the case of componentisation, the system integrator, component suppliers and operator(s) must be independent of each other. The acquiring and operating entity must not have a relationship with an external entity providing design or implementation. The Accepting and Operating Entity must be included in the acceptance management of the implementation.

ICT Governance Principle Z14: Relationship between IT and legislation


Description: Proposals for IT support options for legislation should be developed together with proposals for the adoption of legislation or amendments to legislation so that they interact towards the development of modern and workable provisions. Information support for legislative amendments should be prepared and tested during the legislative process, not only when the law is in force or even in force.

ICT Governance Principle Z15: Governance of ICT funding


Description. It is necessary to work with a methodology of financial calculations based on the profitability index/CBA (benefit-cost analysis) and TCO (total cost of ownership of ICT), including building the competence to economically calculate the optimal efficiency and performance of an agenda (process) with different levels of ratio of personnel costs for its performance and costs for its IT support. Improvements are needed not only in the area of investment management, but equally in long-term financial planning for infrastructure renewal and operational support of systems.

ICT Governance Principle Z16: Use open source software and standards


Description: The State uses open software and open standards to avoid high long-term costs and risks. Therefore, the ISVS manager shall make use of existing open source projects or leave new source code open and reusable, publish it under appropriate licenses, and/or provide a convincing explanation for a specific part of the code for which this cannot be done. If the use of open source code is not possible or appropriate for the implementation of the ISVS, then the Z17 principle of balanced partnership with suppliers shall be followed for such solutions.

ICT Governance Principle Z17: Promote balanced partnerships with suppliers


Description: The ISMS manager must ensure that it always has the ISMS program codes, detailed documentation for the ISMS, licensing rights to the ISMS (rights to use the copyrighted work), and its own capacity to make decisions about the ISMS so that the system can be modified and managed by third parties independent of the original supplier or ISMS manager.

All the principles mentioned here will be further elaborated in a separate follow-up document: the Methods of ICT management of public administration in the Czech Republic, which is issued by the Ministry of the Interior as a binding methodology to the Information strategy of the Czech Republic. The creation of information strategy of the OVS will be regulated in accordance with Act No. 365/2000 Coll. by the amended Decree of the Ministry of the Interior (529/2006 Coll.). The methods of creation, management and use of the enterprise architecture of OVS will be set out in a separate follow-up document: the National Architectural Framework of Public Administration of the Czech Republic, which is issued by the Ministry of the Interior as a binding methodology to the Information Information strategy of the Czech Republic.

This chapter contains a list of separate subsequent implementation plans and follow-up documents that will develop and implement the ICD.

These are the implementation plans for each individual ICD headline target, i.e. o:

  • Implementation plan for headline target 2. DIGITALLY FRIENDLY LEGISLATION
  • Implementation plan for headline target 6 EFFECTIVE AND FLEXIBLE DIGITAL ADMINISTRATION

Each implementation plan includes:

  • a breakdown of the objectives into actionable tasks,
  • the assignment of measurable outcome indicators for both the goal and each task,
  • clear timelines for completing the tasks
  • specific roles and responsibilities.

The implementation plans also contain analytical information and essential strategyual ideas of the problem area addressed, which are key to the fulfilment of the given objective, and references to the following legislative, methodological and implementation documents related to the implementation of the objective. In addition to the above, each of the 5 draft implementation plans will also be the defining document of the respective programme and the governing act for the establishment of staff responsibilities for the implementation of the ICD, which are not appropriate to include in the RVIS statutes.

Among the EU operational programmes prepared for the programming period 2021-2027, the Integrated Regional Operational Programme (IROP 2021-2027), in particular its specific objective 1.1 Exploiting the benefits of digitalisation for citizens, businesses and governments, is dedicated to supporting eGovernment in the Czech Republic.

As part of the preparation of IROP 2021-2027, the IROP Managing Authority drew the attention of the Government Council for Information Society to the need to create a comprehensive document in the structure of the Digital Czech Republic programme, which would summarise all the planned measures of this programme in the field of eGovernment, which could be implemented using IROP 2021-2027. This procedure was noted by the RGIS at its plenary meeting on 6 March 2020. The Ministry of the Interior was asked here to create an implementation document for the Digital Czech Republic programme, which will serve as a basis for drawing on EU funds in the 2021-2027 programming period. This document will be submitted to the Government Council for Information Society for approval by 30 September 2020 at the latest. Subsequently, it will be submitted for approval to the Government of the Czech Republic together with the updated implementation plans of the Digital Czechia programme for 2021.

The resulting Implementation Document of the Digital Czech Republic Programme for the Integrated Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027 will thus summarise measures that will be in line with both the selected objectives of the Digital Czech Republic Programme, specifically IK CR, and with the specific objective 1.1 of IROP 2021-2027. The document will serve not only as a basis for negotiations with the European Commission regarding the support of eGovernment in the Czech Republic, but above all as a starting material for the subsequent drawdown from IROP 2021-2027.

In order to ensure the alignment of the Information strategy of the individual OVS with the ICCR, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic has issued the following documents, supplemented by a comprehensive set of legislative and methodological documents related to the individual disciplines of ICT management. These so-called "follow-up documents to the ICCR" are an integral part of the ICCR. They have been prepared in implementation detail, submitted to the RVIS for discussion and are continuously updated by the Ministry of the Interior.

These documents are:

  • Follow-up document No. 1. Methods of public administration ICT management in the Czech Republic

In order to fulfil the objectives of this strategy, it is necessary to issue and subsequently update a number of rules regulating the central coordinated management of ICT support for eGovernment, management of its legislative changes, building and operating ICT capacities and competences of state enterprises and agencies, management of informatics units in individual OVS as well as life cycle management of individual ISVS and other IS in public administration.

For this purpose, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic will issue a separate document on the principles of ICT management, which will be linked to the principles of ICT management set out in the ICCR, Methods of ICT management in the public administration of the Czech Republic. It will be followed by a number of legislative and methodological documents related to individual disciplines of ICT management, such as change management, project management, economic management and TCO evaluation in IT, etc.

  • Follow-up document No. 2. Glossary of eGovernment terms

The development of eGovernment and its information support with the help of enterprise architecture and a number of other international management standards, together with the rapidly changing social environment, expectations and habits of public administration clients, brings a number of new and modified terms to the central coordination of eGovernment and ICT.

In order to successfully coordinate the fulfilment of the objectives according to this strategy, it is necessary to use these terms uniformly and correctly, to introduce or update them in the legal order of the Czech Republic in this way, to communicate them publicly and to promote their use in practice.

Therefore, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic will issue a separate and continuously updated follow-up document to the ICCR, the central Glossary of eGovernment Terms, as one of the means of achieving the DPL and central coordination of change management towards eGovernment in the public administration of the Czech Republic.

  • Follow-up document No. 3. National Architectural Framework

The National Architecture Framework (NAR), as a methodological and strategyual framework for a unified and coordinated description of the National Architecture of the Czech Republic, contains guidelines, procedures, templates and patterns for the creation, maintenance and use of the architecture description.

The National Architecture Framework is based on the internationally recognised standards for the creation and maintenance of authority architecture, TOGAF and ArchiMate, managed by The Open Group and used as a starting point for authority architecture in most countries.

The NAR has issued and is continuously updated as a follow-up document to this ICCR by the OHA of the MoI of the Czech Republic, which will coordinate the creation and updating of the NAP components in accordance with the NAR and ensure their central storage and presentation of selected knowledge from the NAP, i.e. for example models and action plans of individual OVMs, in the common knowledge base and the NAP portal, see the following document.

  • Follow-up document 4. National Architectural Plan

The National Architecture Plan (NAP) consists of a description of the current state of individual public administration offices and central eGovernment elements, a description of their target state proposals, the resulting difference, i.e. the extent of the expected changes and a plan for how these changes will be implemented.

The NAP consists of a comprehensive explanatory and strategyual document and a corresponding knowledge base in the portal. Furthermore, the NAP consists of centrally developed models of shared eGovernment architecture elements and their services, recommended reference models, mandatory architectural patterns, examples of architectures from practice and other accelerators for effective application in modelling of individual OSS architectures. Their models, provided to the central architectural model repository, are also an integral part of the NAP. The common name National Architecture Plan will be used for all models and other documents describing the National VS Architecture.

The NAP summary strategy document is issued and the NAP models are published by the OHA of the Ministry of Interior as separate and continuously updated sub-documents of this ICD.

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