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- Rámec obsahu a výstupů architektur @nar_dokument
- ě. | |**Role** |The responsibility for performing specific behavior, to which an actor can be assigned, or t... |A sequence of business behaviors that achieves a specific outcome such as a defined set of products or busi... sequence of application behaviors that achieves a specific outcome. |Aplikační proces představuje aplikační ... sequence of technology behaviors that achieves a specific outcome.
- The Sharing and Reuse Framework for IT Solutions @znalostni_baze
- r reusing IT solutions. Detailed recommendation: specific, more in-depth recommendation to public administr... rly as possible, for example, with the support of specific tools. Recommended measures for central bodies ... rs know about and can comply with; • referencing specific sources, trademarks, patents, etc., favouring cer... ver, these solutions are often developed in their specific contexts and their functionalities are neither do
- Slovník pojmů eGovernmentu
- o úrovni služeb nebo projektových plánů mají být “Specific (specifické), Measurable(měřitelné), Achievable (
- Formatting Syntax @wiki
- namespaces see [[doku>namespaces]]. Linking to a specific section is possible, too. Just add the section na