
Process and roadmap for implementing change

The primary goal is to achieve managed ICT, i.e. a measurable ability to respond to incoming change. Such a state can only kick in when we know where we are. By this we do not just mean the ICT department, but adherence to this methodology to establish the current state of the whole authority.

This chapter contains two perspectives on the Substantive and Time Action Plan (Roadmap), namely:

More detailed and updated information in both areas will be added after discussion with the expert community and published in the next issues of the MŘICT and in the Knowledge base.

Prioritisation of state and OVS change measures

To be added after discussion with the expert community and published in future issues of MŘICT.

Only after the office has stabilized to a state of known operational changes can changes in the information systems themselves begin to be addressed.

As the current ICT of the SSC is in the so-called transition period, and thus many resources and tools are not yet developed, and as the ICT status of individual offices is very heterogeneous, it is not possible to define a sufficiently detailed procedure for achieving the desired state that would apply universally.

In order to be sufficiently general, only the following list, ranked in order of severity of impact, can be recommended:

  1. Undertake a framework cataloguing exercise:
    • the competences of the ICT unit vis-à-vis its environment, i.e. both other units of the Authority and external bodies,
    • actual compliance and valid/current responsibilities given:
      • statutory obligations (including ICCR),
      • internal management acts of the Authority,
      • tasks imposed by the management of the Authority,
    • handling of requests received:
      • from the ICT Operational Unit - in particular, requests based on HelpDesk reports and requirements arising from technology uptime,
      • from clients, i.e. other departments of the Authority to which the ICT Unit provides support for their activities,
      • from internal staff of the department, i.e. both suggestions for improvement and e.g. retraining and salary requirements.
    • available resources in terms of the outlook for the next 3 years, in particular:
      • technological, i.e. not only capacity reserves, but also approaching lifetime, level of resilience to security risks,
      • staffing in terms of, in particular, ensuring the necessary level of expertise and time capacity,
      • financial, i.e. both the level and structure of the budget allocated and the items included in the Authority's financial plan,
      • facilities - not only in terms of the suitability of the existing premises, but also including their communication and power connections, etc.
  2. to carry out a realistic evaluation of the identified shortcomings, again within a timeframe of 3 years (optimally quantifiably prioritised according to the possible consequences),
    • In the event that some of the deficiencies are classified as potentially risky, prepare an action plan for minimising the impact, including the expected resource requirements, and submit it to the Authority's management as a matter of urgency,
  3. Develop and submit to the Authority's management a new information concept for the Authority, which, in addition to the proposal for a new (target) Enterprise Architecture for the Authority, will also include a time and material plan for achieving the new architecture (as part of the Authority's ICT transformation), including changes in staffing, changes to the processes for commissioning and handling requests for ICT support, and changes to funding. Given the realities of the OVS budgets, it is recommended that the plan be developed in at least two options directly in this document, so that the difference between them is clear, namely:
    • a minimalist option, which will be de-facto identical to the risk minimisation action plan,
    • the optimal option - a proposal of how a good farmer would behave with an outlook of at least 5 years.
  4. Based on the feedback from the management of the Authority on the new information concept presented to the Authority, develop proposals:
    • budget measures to amend the financial budget plan of the ICT Unit,
    • staff development of the ICT Unit, i.e. in particular:
      • a proposal for an organisational change to create new roles within ICT, including an outline job description of these roles and the associated rights and obligations and qualifications,
      • a proposal for staffing arrangements to fill the newly created roles,
      • a proposal to ensure minimum staffing of the roles to meet the needs,
      • a retraining plan,

Starting the changes

To be completed following consultation with the professional community and published in future issues of the MIRCT.

Overview and change plan (action plan)

To be completed following consultation with the professional community and published in future editions of MŘICT.

Creation of a Knowledge Base of ICT Management Methods in the Czech Republic

Establishment of a MoI Expert Unit on ICT Management Methods and Standards

Involvement of professional communities

Evaluation of pilot projects (adapted information concepts)

Active publishing and knowledge management in the base and others

Organizational and competency changes needed

Risk analysis and mitigation strategies

The Information Concept of the CR and its follow-up documents are implemented in practice by bringing the individual Information Concepts of the OVS into line with them and by implementing these local concepts.

There is a need to have a good understanding of the known risks of implementing the principles of this document in advance, which may not apply equally to every authority, and to prepare mitigation measures. The risks are in particular:

Table Overview of selected principal risks of implementation of IK CR and MŘICT through IK OVS.

1.Non-alignment of IT and professional (especially legislative) units
2.Lack of competent IT professionals on the VS side Use all currently available tools (such as the key staff institute) to attract and retain these staff.
3.Poor quality of existing data Introduce data cleansing as an ongoing process of the Authority, including its institutionalisation in appropriate job roles, regulations and tools.
4.Inter-ministerial barriers to cooperation and lack of supra-ministerial coordination capacityStrengthening the capacity of MoI coordination departments and coordination of the Digital Czech Republic strategic framework. Involvement of departmental experts and digital commissioners, use of common resources of Competence Centres, etc.
5.Extant contractual and non-contractual (knowledge, capacity) dependencies Progressive removal of all causes of dependency on suppliers, such as building internal competence, changing contracts for existing or new procurements, taking over documentation management, taking over source codes, migrating solutions to open platforms with a wide partner network in the Czech Republic, etc.
6.Resistance to change from these rules Motivation of the office management and staff to adopt the objectives of the digital transformation of the Czech Republic. Strengthening and changing the organizational structures of the office with positions that can and can be drivers of change. (Temporarily) strengthening the capacity of staff so that they have room to implement change in addition to their daily routine. Natural staff turnover in favour of those more receptive to digitisation changes, etc.
7. Insufficient financial resources Timely preparation of ICT plans (and their resource needs), their registration in the IK OVM and the Digital Czechia plan register, readiness of arguments for budget negotiations, readiness to accept EU funding, etc.

What are the other risks and what measures to mitigate the risks will be added after discussion with the expert community and published in the next issues of MŘICT.

Monitoring progress

How and by what means the implementation of the concept will be monitored will be completed after consultation with the expert community and published in future editions of MŘICT.

Updating the Concept and Action Plan

What will be the process for evaluating, updating and submitting the MRICT will be completed after consultation with the professional community and published in future editions of the MRICT.