Discussion rules on the website

All discussion that is allowed on the https://archi.gov.cz website is moderated. Discussants must abide by the following rules:

General Rules:

  1. Posts must not contain profanity, swearing, be offensive or discriminatory in any way. Please do not post anything that may be against the law or good manners.
  2. Please use search first before posting a question. It is possible that the same question has already been asked or written about. Use either the universal full-text search at the top right of the site or the all_pages_overview
  3. It is forbidden to insert any advertising and self-referential links to the website.
  4. Posts that violate any of these rules will not be posted or will be deleted.

Discussion rules at the bottom of each page:

  1. General rules apply.
  2. Questions must be related to the page in question. If your question is not related to the site and you did not find the information you need by searching, please start a new discussion thread in special section of the site .
  3. Please formulate your question about the page as precisely as possible so that we can best advise you.
  4. In addition to questions, you can add comments, suggestions, or suggestions for modifying the page.

Discussion rules in special section of the site

  1. General rules apply.
  2. Discuss within the established discussion. If your post is not related to the thread, please start a new discussion thread.
  3. If you start a new thread, be sure to name it. The title should be related to your question.