======Tables to align IK with ICR====== In place of the "X" symbol when used in your IK OVMs, insert your internal identifier for the intent or running or planned project, depending on how you have the intents and projects organized in the Concept Roadmap. ====== Tables for Part A: Office Architecture ====== Implications of IK CR objectives on OVM conditions ^CRC objectives ^Implications of the objectives of the IC on OVM^ |01 - USER-FRIENDLY AND EFFICIENT "ONLINE" SERVICES FOR CITIZENS AND BUSINESSES|| |01.01 Creation of a national catalogue and search engine of public administration services. |OVM will create its list of public administration services (primarily self-government and unique services, delegated services are for the guaranteeing central administrative authority) and will complete its part of the catalogue of services provided to the public. | |01.02 Next generation central information services. |OVM will establish a departmental contact (call) centre with a team of subject matter experts as part of a unified public information system, in the case of a local government unit (LGU) also for its self-governing and unique services. The central administrative authority responsible for the services under delegated competence is the guarantor of the agenda.\\\ \\ Intent - X (Contact Centre) | |01.03 Development of shared services of universal service channels "front office" | not relevant for most OVMs, except for central shared service providers. |01.04 Development of online "front-office" services of individual ministries using shared services. |OVM uses CzechPoint as a contact point of public administration for publishing its services (mainly extracts from its IS). |01.05 Improvement of the National Catalogue of Open Data | The MoI will add datasets from its information systems (ISVS, operational and others) to the National Catalogue of Open Data.\\\ \ Primarily codebooks and agency data (anonymised and aggregated according to rules) and secondarily operational data.\\ \\ New objective - x (Open Data) | |01.06 Formal anchoring of roles responsible for Transformation and then e-servicing across agendas, and designation of service managers|OVM will create roles of service managers and service channel managers, across agendas, in its office and in the departmental OSS. These roles should not be automatically assigned to staff in the IT department, but must be individuals with cross-cutting expertise who have the ability to participate in the strategic meetings of the office. |01.07 Creation of a system to process public suggestions and proposals for service improvement |OVM will support the roles of service and channel managers with appropriate (central or local) software tools to collect and evaluate feedback on the quality of client services (especially digital). |01.08 Incorporation of UX/UI methodologies into the development of information systems |OVM will include these aspects in the development of its IS | |02 - DIGITAL FRIENDLY LEGISLATION || |02.01 Ensure the obligation to create digitally friendly legislation | for OVM that is not a central administrative authority, irrelevant | Central administrative authorities must include DPL principles in their legislative process. |02.02 Participate in the development of European Digital Single Market (DSM) legislation | Irrelevant for DPAs that are not central administrations | Central administrations must ensure cooperation in the development of European legislation. |02.03 Completion of eCollection and eLegislation projects |Non-relevant | |02.04 Ongoing analysis of existing legislation |OVM (in its role as agenda notifier or law promoter) will review and propose amendments to all legislation leading to some service for clients. |02.05 Legal anchoring and/or strengthening the rights of citizens and companies to digital services |Ready - OVM will proceed with the implementation of the law | |02.06 Analysis of the effectiveness of all eGovernment laws and decrees and their possible update | Irrelevant for OVM \\\ Obligation of the MoI and the Government Office | |02.07 Analyse and enable the overlap of eGovernment services and their use for private entities |Non-relevant for OVM\\\ Obligation of the MoI | |02.08 Issue a methodology for public procurement in the field of ICT | Irrelevant for OVM \\\ Obligation of MMR | |03 - DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVERALL ENVIRONMENT SUPPORTING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES || |03.01 Actively promote the allocation of ESIF funds to support the digital technology environment |Non-relevant for OVM\\\ Obligation of MMR | |03.02 Digitisation of not yet digitised content |OVM will analyse all types of legal records of subjects, objects and documents and implement their digitisation wherever it is desirable and cost-effective from the point of view of internal and external clients. |03.03 Creating an environment for long-term storage and archiving of digital (official) content |OVM will strengthen the systems for storing and archiving digital documents in accordance with Act No. 499/2004 Coll. and related regulations.\\\ Objective X (Digital Office) | |03.04 Improvement, updating and validation of the content of the Register of Rights and Obligations. |OVM, which is the notifier of the agenda, will check and correct all its records in the RPP and add others within the service proposal to the Catalogue and within the Enterprise Architecture. |03.05 Updating and implementation of the strategy for building and using the public administration communication infrastructure |OVM is connected to CMS, it will continue to use KIVS. OVM will transform its network infrastructure, see \\\ Intent - X (Network Infrastructure) | |03.06 Implementation of a trusted electronic identification system in practice |OVM will enable the use of all its addressable digital services with trusted electronic identification from the NIA and according to eIDAS. |03.07 Establishment of GEO informatics core services and implementation of data sharing strategy |Relevant especially for MoI and central shared service providers for spatial information.\\ OVM will review its geodata, consider whether it needs to be maintained and include the Digital Technical Maps of the Region and Digital Technical Maps of Public Administration activities in its development plans | |04 - INCREASING THE CAPACITY AND COMPETENCES OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION STAFF || |04.01 Proposed changes to the systematisation and cataloguing of ICT professions |OVM will propose changes according to its needs, take over the result and implement it\\\ Part of project X (Organisational changes) | |04.02 Design and implementation of measures to attract, retain and develop key specialists |OVM will design changes according to its needs, take over and implement the result. In the meantime, OVM will make full use of existing legal possibilities. |04.03 Design and implement a system to ensure a higher inflow of quality graduates | OVM will design changes according to its needs, take over and implement the result. OVM will look for its own ways to attract graduates. |04.04 Increase overall professional capacity using shared competence centres | OVM will propose changes according to its needs, take over and implement the result. OVM will actively use the available capacity from the Competence Centre (OHA).\\\ Part of Objective X (Organisational changes) | |04.05 Establishment of transformation units of the Design Office and Architectural Office | OVM will establish its own transformation unit, comprising PK and AK. OVM will support and promote the creation of such units in the OSS. OVM will at the same time set up a Digital Transformation Committee for OVM.\\\ Part of Plan X (Organisational Changes) | |04.06 Supporting competences and ensuring capacities for the implementation of change | OVM will create sufficient expert capacities to have a reserve for the transformation of public services in addition to the performance of public services. |04.07 Introduction of modern principles of process management and service management in public administration |OVM will introduce new processes for managing services to clients and introduce a mechanism for the gradual application of process management. |04.08 Establishment of a staff training system for change management and implementation |OVM will design changes according to its needs, take over and implement the result. OVM will build a solution for ongoing staff training on digital transformation or join a shared service. |05 - EFFICIENT AND CENTRALLY COORDINATED PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ICT || |05.01 Implementation of the process of managing the information concept of the Czech Republic. |05.02 Allocation of adequate human and financial resources for the implementation of the information concept of the Czech Republic |Non-relevant for OVM\\\ Obligation of the MoI | |05.03 Introduction of the principles and procedures of "Enterprise Architecture" into eGovernment management at all levels | OVM will adopt and implement the organisational arrangements, processes and procedures according to the IC CR and its related documents\\\ Objective X (Enterprise Architecture) with the support of Objectives X (Organisational Changes) and X (Service and Process Management). | |05.04 Implementation of an optimal model for coordination of activities of state organizations and enterprises specialized in the provision of ICT services. |OVM, if it is the founder of such enterprises or organizations, shall propose changes according to its needs, take over the result and implement it. |05.05 Establishment of eGovernment Cloud | OVMs shall consider the use of cloud services in their infrastructure and adopt and implement eGovernment Cloud services as appropriate. |05.06 Issue and update national functional and service standards |OVM will provide assistance | |05.07 Support for building shared agency systems in delegated competencies |OVM will analyse in the EA whether and which AIS of the authority and the department are used in delegated competencies and if it is of the reporting agency, it will reimplement the identified AIS, if necessary. |05.08 Support for the building of agency systems in the self-governing competence |OVM builds information systems for its self-governing competence that provide its digital services through all available channels and meet all requirements for ISVS or AIS. |05.09 Linked data pool |OVM shall carry out a detailed analysis of the laws of which it is the authorising authority and the corresponding IS in terms of the use and provision of data to other authorities. For the identified AIS, it will make any necessary modifications to the laws, re-registration of agendas and implementation of the connection of these systems to the ISSS (formerly eGSB) and upgrade of their digital services. |05.10 Public data holdings | see project X (Open data). | |05.11 GeoInformation |OVM in project X (EA) will examine whether it has IS supporting spatial data or agendas with a need to support spatial data and what needs and opportunities it has to use central shared services for spatial information, see 3.07. | |05.12 Providing feedback on the implementation of the CR Information Concept |OVM will provide assistance for the national coordination of the ICCR. Impact of the principles of the IC CR on the digitisation of OVM ^ID^Name of the principle ^Implications of the IK CR principles on OVM ^ |P1 |Digital by default |OVM, in preparing the Catalogue of Services according to the Act 12/2020 Coll. on the Right to Digital Services, will analyse all existing OVM actions and set a plan for their availability in individual digital channels, if necessary, will initiate a legislative change to the agenda laws. \\\ Subsequently, OVM will implement the services in the individual service channels.\\\ \\Intent X (Service Catalogue) and with the support of intentions, in particular (Digitization of the law) and (Digital Services). |P2 |Once only principle |OVM will analyse all agendas and services in terms of their ability to provide and need to receive data in order to fulfil the once only principle both for the services in the OVM Catalogue and for all services of other OVMs where the fulfilment of the principle depends, inter alia, on OVM data. For these latter agendas, OVM will provide the necessary synergies.\\\ Intent X (Linking of data pools) with the support of Intents (EA) and (Service Catalogue) and (Digital Services). |P3 |Supporting Inclusiveness and Accessibility |OVM shall progressively review all external and internal application services of its information systems to ensure that they comply with all adopted rules on inclusiveness and accessibility. Subsequently, OVM will implement the necessary changes in all these solutions, in particular to the user interface.\\\Integrity and Accessibility Objective X (Inclusion and Accessibility) with the support of the Digital Authority and Digital Services objectives. |P4 |Openness and Transparency |OVM will check whether it can ensure that for all agencies it can provide rights holders with access to data held on them and checks on the progress of their cases. The OVM will implement the missing support through the focus (Digital Services) with the support of the focus (Digital Office). The same within the intent (Digital Services) for the design of the specific service implementation. |P5 |Cross-border access as a standard (Crossborder interoperability) |OVM will ensure the implementation of the EU eIDAS regulation so that EU entities can access OVM digital services through the international gateway in the same way as Czech residents. Together with respecting electronic identification, OVM will ensure the availability of all digital services at least in English. This will be tested on a pilot basis during the implementation of the service for business tax returns according to Annex II of the SDG Regulation.\\\ Intent - X (Interoperability), with support for the intent (Digital Services).| |P6 |Interoperability by design |dtto. | |P7 |Credibility and Security by Design |The requirements of the principle will be met by Intent (Data Protection), supported by Intent (Digital Services). |P8 |Whole-of-Government (Whole-of-Government) |OVM will verify in the project (EA) which shared services of other OVMs it can use and will provide others with a plan for the development of the shared services of which it is the administrator. |P9 |Shared Services |OVM will, as part of the analysis of the legislation for its digitisation, also assess whether it is possible to use (or provide) the service as a shared service within the agenda and services. This also applies to each new piece of legislation, new right or obligation. |P10 |Flexibility |OVM will analyse the degree of parameterisation and interchangeability of the components of each solution within the framework of Objective X (EA). |P11 |eGovernment as a platform (Embedded eGovernment) |OVM for all agendas and services in the Business-to-Government (B2G) model shall propose such legal regulations in the framework of digitisation and such specifications and architectural patterns that a substantial part of the so-called "embedded eGovernment" is implemented in the digital environment. \\\Intent - X (Embedded B2G services), with the support of intentions (Digitization of law), (Service catalogue) and (Digital services). |P12 |Inside only digital |OVM will carry out process optimization (with necessary legislative and IT support) so that all implementation of internal actions in the performance of public administration services is carried out exclusively electronically (paperless). |P13 |Open Data by default |OVM will publish all data marked as public and all anonymised data not marked as non-public successively in the form of open and linked data of higher quality (LinkedData, 3* and more). |P14 |Technological neutrality |OVM will apply the principle that all newly digitised or significantly upgraded services of the Authority will always be available on two or more desktop or mobile operating systems and browsers. In doing so, it will draw on expert statistics on individual platforms and on research into user needs.\\\ Objective X (Digital Services). |P15 |User-friendliness |OVM, in addition to applying the P8 'one state' and P14 'neutrality' principles, will apply a client perspective to the design of processes and service user interfaces and design services with the ergonomics, needs and habits of individual client segments in mind.\\ \\ Intent - X (Service and Process Management), supported by (Organisational Change) - establishment of a Service and Channel Manager (Digital Services). |P16 |Consolidation and interconnection of public administration information systems (IT Consolidation)|OVM will propose development plans for the enterprise architecture of all IS in its portfolio, taking into account the possibilities of their mutual consolidation and (partial) replacement by shared services. The principle will also be applied in the design of solutions for all implementation plans, in particular .... | |P17 |Constraints on building monolithic systems |The principle will be reflected in the OVM plans only after the completion of the (EA) and (Single Platform) projects. Specific follow-up plans for decomposition of individual existing ISs can be expected only in the next updated version of the OVM IK. | ====== Tables for Part B: ICT Governance ====== ^ID^Principle name ^PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR OVM ^ |Z1 |Client first |The development of ICT OVM will be built on a multi-tiered "client <-> supplier" relationship, from the external digital services client, through the internal ICT client (subject matter manager), its internal supplier (technical manager) and its external service supplier. |Z2 |ICT planning and management standards (ICT standards)|OVM will implement selected components of standards for architecture management (TOGAF and NAR), ICT services (ITIL), IT performance (COBIT) and project management (PRINCE2, PMBOK). |Z3 |Strategic management through IK OVS |OVM will put in place processes and responsibilities so that all ICT development needs of the professional units are planned through the architecture and roadmap in the continuously updated IK OVM. |Z4 |Architecture Management |Ongoing ICT management will be implemented using knowledge from the Enterprise Architecture and Solution Architecture, fully in line with NAP and NAR.\\\ Objective X (EA) supported by x (ICT Service Quality). |Z5 |Request and Change Management |Processes and tools will be put in place to collect, manage and evaluate the implementation of external and internal ICT customer requirements. |Z6 |Performance and quality management |Following the balanced introduction of all standards (Z2), OVM will advance the introduction of tools for evaluating, benchmarking, planning and managing the performance of ICT services. |Z7 |Responsibility management for services and systems |OVM will introduce a separation of roles of the ISMS administrator into substantive administrators and technical administrators. It will also introduce processes and tools to effectively implement the managerial responsibility of both roles for the development of systems and their services. Tools for cross-cutting coordination of individual administrators across IS will be an integral part of this.\\\ Objective X (ICT Service Quality) with support for Objective X (Process and Service Management). |Z8 |Services Catalogue Management |OVM will identify all ICT services provided/consumed within the customer/supplier relationship (see Z1), compile an ICT Services Catalogue from them and use it to manage service delivery.\\\\ Objective X (ICT Service Quality) with support from Objective X (Process and Service Management). |Z9 |Maintaining internal competencies |OVM will name all necessary transformational, developmental and operational roles and positions required to plan, procure, manage and evaluate the delivery of services from both internal and external suppliers. \\\ For these roles and positions, it will seek, attract and retain the best human resources, using all tools and capabilities.\\\ \\ All these roles will be fully involved by OVM in projects according to the OVM IK so that they become a means of knowledge transfer from suppliers to OVM.\\ \\ Objective X (Organisational Change)| |Z10 |Process Management |OVM in the area of ICT management will pilot steps towards process management and service management.\\ \\ Aim X (Process and Service Management) with support from Aims X (Organisational Change) and X (ICT Service Quality). |Z11 |Benefit and Value Management |OVM will incorporate methods based on cost/benefit analysis (Business Case, Cost/Benefit Analysis), based on total cost of ownership (TCO) and total labour cost (FLC) in ICT decision making, especially on solution options.\\\ Objective X (Economic Management (Controlling) of ICT), supported by Objective X (EA) and X (ICT Service Quality). |Z12 |Resource Capacity Management |OVM will introduce the systematisation of transformation positions (see Z9) into the regular planning so that there is always sufficient internal professional capacity for the Authority's digital transformation project. |Z13 |Independence of design, management and quality control |OVM will ensure that all projects have professional project managers and independent project quality assurance (QA) professionals. |Z14 |The relationship between IT and legislation |OVM will change the model of cooperation between subject matter and technical administrators and legislators so that IT experts and architects are present from the outset when discussing substantive plans for legislative changes to ensure a higher likelihood of digital modifications to regulations being feasible and implemented in the IS. |Z15 | ICT funding management |OVM will integrate the outputs of the implementation of principles Z11 and Z12 into effective ICT funding procedures. Communicating the value of ICT for sustaining the delivery of public services (Business Continuity) will be an integral part of this, along with the identification of Mandatory ICT expenditure.\\\ The ICT funding specialisation includes a team of experts providing ICT funding from all international funds (EU, Norwegian, etc.).\\ The principle will be implemented in line management. |Z16 |Use of open software and standards |The outputs of the enterprise architecture (X) and unified platform (X) plans will include recommendations and accelerators for the use of open software and standards in the process of purchasing and building ICT solutions. |Z17 |Support for balanced partnership with suppliers |OVM will create a comprehensive combination of conditions (knowledge, technology, contractual and others) so that it can maintain long-term mutually beneficial balanced partnership relationships with suppliers.