======Attributes of models, views and elements====== ===== Classification according to the Shannon principle===== *Each office has its own binder by which it is clearly identifiable (Modelled Office Classification) *Quite rarely, it is possible to model at a central level a system that belongs to the EU or to the CZ, not to a specific office. *Each office has ONE overall model, describing the office as a whole in a simplified form (Classification of Office Model) *Each authority has many views of its models (Classification of view-diagram). *Each office has ONE model (diagram) for one information system in operation in the public administration (Information System Classification) *A model is a set of objects and relationships between objects displayed in predefined view definitions *The model is a separating paper (tab) in the binder with its classification and there are individual views of the model as separate sheets *Each model contains, in addition to its classification, the classification of the modelling authority *These are model classifications only, not view or object classifications *Physically, a model is a transfer file according to the TOGAMEFF standard Signposting: -Office -Model -View -General element -General link -Business function -Information system =====Classification of modelling authority. One who models for himself and his subordinate organizations===== ^Title\ of attribute CZ^Title\ of attribute EN^Values\ of attribute EN^Values\ of attribute CZ2 ^Description of attribute ^ |Agency_ID |Agency_ID |Agency_ID |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level |agency_PS_level | | Level of office in the VS hierarchy | | | |EUN |EUN |European Union | | | |CNT |CNT |eGovernment of the Czech Republic | | | | |AGN |USU |(Agency) Central Administrative Office | | | | |CTY |KRJ |(County) County, county authority and county corporation | | | |PRG |PRG |Prague - as a combination of KRJ and ORP | | | |MUN |ORP |(Municipality) Municipality (mostly with extended jurisdiction, but also others) | | | |GOV |OVM |(Government-all institutions) aggregate category for models, valid for all OVMs | | | | |OTH |OST |(Others) auxiliary category for other than those listed (complement of the set) | | | | |CLI |KLI |(Clients) auxiliary category for reference models of type client | | | |PRV |PRV |(Private) auxiliary category for individual and reference models of private entities - part of public corporations or not standing alone| | | | |PUB |VER |(Public) auxiliary category for entities that are part of the public sector but are not OVM (or maybe including them ???) | | | |ALL |VSE |(All - everyone) auxiliary category for RMs and PTs, applicable to all without distinction | =====Classification of Authority Models===== ^Name\\ of attribute CZ ^Name\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute CZ ^Description of attribute ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Authority level in the VS hierarchy | |Basic model attributes | | | | | | | |model_type | | |model_type | | |The type of model in terms of level of abstraction and purpose | | | |MM |MM |Meta-model, defines the way of modeling at national, corporate and local (or international) level | | | |RM |RM |Reference model, defines the classification (taxonomy) and the way of modeling in its scope | | | |IM |IM |Individual architecture model of a specific organization (conceptual, logical or physical, but always specifically individual) | | | |PT |VM |(Pattern) Pattern model - mandatory architectural pattern | | |EX |PM |(Example) Example of an individual model, usually (but not necessarily) anonymized (then it has no subject identifier) | | |model_scope | | | | | |OWN |VLST |(Own) Custom model of an authority, identified or type entity of the public administration or private sphere | | | |GRP |SPOL |(Group) Common model of a group of organisations controlled/influenced by a VS entity | | | |EXT |ROZS |(Extended) Extended model of public service delivery, including all specific and type entities required for service delivery | |extension_name |model_scope-name | | | | | | | |text |text |text |name describes the service delivery chain, e.g. "transport authorities" - i.e. DOTs and DÚs in the CA. | |identification | | | |Model identification (text description-model name) | | |model_ID | | |Technical unique designation of the authority model (one of several authority models) | | | |model_name | | |Name describing the characteristics of the model | | |model_version | | |Version of the same Authority model | |Additional model attributes| | | | | |model_update_date |model_update_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |responsible_person | | |responsible_person_for_model | | | |model_resp_pers_ID | | | person identifier in the organization (in the whole public administration), civil servant's service number. | | | | |model_resp_pers_name | | | name (and surname) of the person | | | | | is the content of the model a central shared service? | | | | | agendas | | | agendas executed | | | | State | | | State of the model over time | =====Classification of views, in particular diagrams (pictures of the model) of the authority.===== ^Name\\ of attribute CZ ^Name\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute CZ ^Description of attribute ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Authority level in the VS hierarchy | |Inherited model attributes | | | | | | | |model_type | | |model_type | | |The type of model in terms of level of abstraction and purpose | |model_scope | |model_scope | | | | | |model_scope-name |model_scope-name | | | | |model-name | | |model-identification (textual description-model-name) | |update%%__%%model_date |model_ mnt_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |model_resp_person | | |model_resp_person | |model_resp_person | |Basic diagram attributes | | | | | | |view_purpose | |view_purpose | | |Expresses both the extent and detail of the view of the model | | | |STR |STR |STR |Strategic architecture of the whole office and its vision | | | |SGM |SGM |Segmental architecture of a significant part of the office | | | |CAP |SCH |(Capability) Capability architecture of a particular vertical or horizontal capability of the Authority | | | |SOL |RES |(Solution) A more detailed architecture of a sub-solution (for functional specification of a task or documentation of a deliverable)| | | |DES |DES |(Design) Detailed design of the implementation (design, programming, ...) of a part of the solution | || | | |Type of this viewpoint | | | | |ID from list |ID from dial | List of type (predefined) viewpoints according to NAR | |view_domain |view_domain | | |Leading (predominant) domain, if it can be specified | | | |MA | | |Motivation & Strategy | | | |PA | | |Performance arch. | | | | | |BA | | | |Business arch. | | | | |AA | | |Application arch. | | | | |DA | | |Data (Information) arch. | | | |TA | | |IT Technology arch. | | | |IA | | |Comm. Infrastructure arch. | | | |RS | | |Risk&Secutiry architecture | | | | |SC | | |Standardization&Compliance&Sustainability | | | |IM | | |Implementation&Migration | | |DiagramName | | |Name of a specific artifact, catalog, matrix or diagram | | | |view_ID | | |Technical unique designation of a view of the Authority model (one of many views of a single Authority model) | | |view_name | | |Name describing the characteristics of the view | | |view_version | | |Versions of the same Authority Model view | |artifact_type | | | | Architecture type (catalog, matrix, diagram) | | | |CAT | |KAT |Catalog | | | | |MTX | |MAT | | | |DGM | |DIA |Diagram (graphic) | | |uroven_detail | |view_detail_level | | |Level of detail of the model at the specified range (L0, L1 and L2) | | | | |L0 | |L0 |Aggregated | | | | |L1 | |L1 |Basic | | | | |L2 |L2 |Detailed | |cas_horizon |view_horizon_state | | |The location of the view in time (whether it was created as a view of the present past or a draft of the future). | | | | |TGT |target |(Target) Target architecture at the end of the horizon (To_Be) | | | |BSL |akt |(Baseline) Baseline current architecture (As-Is) | | |TRN |pre |(Transition) Transition architecture over time to horizon (also To-Be) | | | | |HST | |hst |(History) architecture sometime in the past (As-it-was) | ||cas_horizon_date ||view_horizon_date | | |The year or date that the state (current, transition or target) diagram shows | | | | |date | |date | |Additional diagram attributes| | | | | |view_resp_person |view_resp_person |responsible person for the diagram or other artifact | |view_resp_person_ID |view_resp_pers_ID | | | | | |diagram_name |view_resp_pers_name | | | | |diagram_valid_date_from |view_valid_from | | |Date from which the state design (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, valid, valid | |diagram_validity_date_to |view_valid_to | | |Date until which the state proposal (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, standard | | | |date | |date | | |diagram_update|view_ update_date | | |date of the date on which the draft diagram (current, intermediate or target) was last updated | | | |date |date | =====Classification of each (any) element of the authority model.===== ^ Attribute name CZ ^ Attribute name EN ^ Attribute values EN2 ^ Attribute values CZ ^ Attribute description ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Agency level in the VS hierarchy | |Inherited attributes of the model | | | | | The attributes also apply to the image of any element if it is in the model | | |model_type | | | |The type of model in terms of abstraction level and purpose | | |model_scope | |model_scope | | | | |model_scope-name |model_scope-name | | | | |model-name | | |model-identification (textual description-model-name) | |update%%__%%model_date |model_ mnt_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |model_resp_person | | |model_resp_person | |model_resp_person | |Inherited diagram attributes | | | | | The attributes apply to the image of any element if it is in the model view | |ucel_diagram |view_purpose | | |Expresses both the extent and detail of the model view | | viewpoint_type | | || || Identification of the type viewpoint of this view || domain_diagram_domain | | || |The leading (predominant) domain, if it can be specified | | | | | |Name of a specific artifact, catalog, matrix or diagram | | |artifact_type | | | |architectural artifact type (catalog, matrix, diagram) | |uroven_detail |view_detail_level | | | Level of detail of the model at the specified range (L0, L1 and L2) | |cas_horizon |view_horizon_state | | |location of the view in time (whether it was created as a view of the present past or a projection of the future) | | |cas_horizon_date |view_horizon_date | | |The year or date that the state (current, intermediate or target) diagram shows | | |view_resp_person |view_resp_person | | |the person responsible for the diagram or other artifact | |update%%__%%diagram_date |view_ update_date | | | date of the day on which the draft diagram (current, intermediate or target) was last updated | |diagram_valid_date_from |view_valid_from | | |date from which the draft state (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, valid | |diagram_validity_date |view_valid_to | | |Date until which the state proposal (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, standard | |Basic attributes of an element (object, concept, feature) of the model| | | | | | |Identification of a concept from a metamodel | | | | | | |concept_ID | | |Metamodel_ Identifier of the modelled object/entity in the meta-model of the authority | | | |concept_name | | |Metamodel_Designation, name of the metamodel element | | | | | |Identification of the element (instance) in the model | | |element_model_ID | | |Metamodel_ Identifier of the modelled object/entity in the meta-model of the authority | | | | | |element_ext_ID | | | |Metamodel_Identifier of the modelled object/entity in the real world (in the organisation, in the state) | | | |element_name | | |Metamodel_Designation, name of the metamodel element | | | | | | Standardization attributes | | |Standard_Y_N | | |Whether the modelled element is declared a standard in the organisation | | | |Standard_from | | | |Date from which the element is declared a standard | | | |Standard_to | | | |Date until which the element is declared standard | | | |Std_related_element | | | The element identifier that is the standard for the element being modeled | | |Next_std_eval | | | Date of the next scheduled standard evaluation for the element | | |Std_resp_pers_ID | | |ID of the person responsible for maintaining the standard for the element | | | |Std_resp_pers_name | | | Name of the person responsible for maintaining the standard for the element | | | | | Responsibility and validity of data for the element | | | | | | | element_resp_pers_ID | | | person identifier in the organisation (across the civil service), civil servant service number. | | |element_resp_pers_name| | |name (and surname) of the person | | | |element_ update_date | | |Date of the day when the element data was last updated | | | |element_valid_from | | |date from which the draft state of the element is considered valid, valid | | | |element_valid_to | | | |Date until which the draft state of the element is considered valid, standard | =====Classification of links between elements of the authority model (general).===== ^Title\ of attribute CZ ^Title\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute EN2 ^Values\ of attribute CZ ^Description of attribute ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Authority level in the VS hierarchy | |Inherited attributes of the model | | | The attributes also apply to the image of any element binding if it is in the model | | | |model_type | | | |The type of model in terms of abstraction level and purpose | | |model_scope | |model_scope | | | | |model_scope-name |model_scope-name | | | | |model-name | | |model-identification (textual description-model-name) | |update%%__%%model_date |model_ mnt_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |model_resp_person | | |model_resp_person | |model_resp_person | |Inherited diagram attributes | | | | The attributes also apply to the image of an arbitrary element constraint if it is in the model view | |ucel_diagram |view_purpose | | |Expresses both the extent and detail of the model view | | viewpoint_type | | || || Identification of the type viewpoint of this view || domain_diagram_domain | | || |The leading (predominant) domain, if it can be specified | | | | | |Name of a specific artifact, catalog, matrix or diagram | | |artifact_type | | | |architectural artifact type (catalog, matrix, diagram) | |uroven_detail |view_detail_level | | | Level of detail of the model at the specified range (L0, L1 and L2) | |cas_horizon |view_horizon_state | | |location of the view in time (whether it was created as a view of the present past or a projection of the future) | | |cas_horizon_date |view_horizon_date | | |The year or date that the state (current, intermediate or target) diagram shows | | |view_resp_person |view_resp_person | | |the person responsible for the diagram or other artifact | |diagram_valid_date_from |view_valid_from | |date from which the state design (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, guideline | |diagram_validity_date |view_valid_to | | |Date until which the state proposal (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, standard | |update%%__%%diagram_date |view_ update_date | | | |Date of the day on which the draft diagram (current, intermediate or target) was last updated | |Basic attributes of the link between model elements| | | | | | | | | | | Identification of the wabi type from the metamodel | | |rel_type_ID | | |Metamodel_ Identifier of the modelled binding type in the Authority's meta-model | | | | |rel_type_name | | |Metamodel_Identification, name of the binding type in the metamodel | |Identification of the binding instance in the model | | | | | | |relation_ID | | |relation_ID | | specific binding identifier in the model | | | |relation_name | | |Name of the specific binding in the model | |Responsibility and validity of the binding data | | | | | | |relation_resp_pers_ID | | | person identifier in the organization (in the whole public administration), civil servant's service number. | | | |relation_resp_pers_name| | |relation_resp_pers_name | | | |relation_ update_date | | |Date of the day on which the custody data was last updated | | |relation_valid_from | | |date from which the draft custody status is considered valid, standard | | | |relation_valid_to | | | |Date until which the binding status proposal is considered valid, standard | =====Classification of the business elements of the authority model.===== ^Title\ of attribute CZ ^Title\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute EN2 ^Values\ of attribute CZ ^Description of attribute ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Authority level in the VS hierarchy | |Inherited model attributes | | | | The attributes also apply to the information system image if it is in the model | | |model_type | | | |The type of model in terms of abstraction level and purpose | | |model_scope | |model_scope | | | | |model_scope-name |model_scope-name | | | | |model-name | | |model-identification (textual description-model-name) | |update%%__%%model_date |model_ mnt_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |model_resp_person | | |model_resp_person | |model_resp_person | |Inherited diagram attributes | | | | | | |view_purpose | |view_purpose | | |Expresses both the extent and detail of the view of the model | type_viewpoint_ID | | || || Identification of the type aspect of this view || domain_diagram_domain | | || |The leading (predominant) domain, if it can be specified | | | | | |Name of a specific artifact, catalog, matrix or diagram | | |artifact_type | | | |architectural artifact type (catalog, matrix, diagram) | |uroven_detail |view_detail_level | | | Level of detail of the model at the specified range (L0, L1 and L2) | |cas_horizon |view_horizon_state | | |location of the view in time (whether it was created as a view of the present past or a projection of the future) | | |cas_horizon_date |view_horizon_date | | |The year or date that the state (current, intermediate or target) diagram shows | | |view_resp_person |view_resp_person | | |the person responsible for the diagram or other artifact | |diagram_valid_date_from |view_valid_from | |date from which the state design (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, guideline | |diagram_validity_date |view_valid_to | | |Date until which the state proposal (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, standard | |update%%__%%diagram_date |view_ update_date | | | |Date of the day on which the draft diagram (current, intermediate or target) was last updated | |Inherited attributes of the generic model element | | | | | | | | | Concept identification from metamodel | | | | | | | | | Identification of the element (instance) in the model | | | | | | | | | Standardization attributes | | | | | | | | | | Responsibility and validity of element data |Specific attributes of the business function (process)| | | | | =====Classification of Application Components and Services (IS) in the Authority Model.===== ^Title\ of attribute CZ ^Title\ of attribute EN ^Values\ of attribute CZ2 ^Values\ of attribute CZ ^Description of attribute ^ |Inherited Authority Attributes | | | | | |Agency_ID | | |Agency_ID | | |Unique identifier of the office in VS | |uroven_VS |agency_PS_level | | |Authority level in the VS hierarchy | | |EUN |EUN |European Union | | |CNT |CNT |eGovernment of the Czech Republic | | | | |AGN |USU |(Agency) Central Administrative Authority | | | | | |CTY |KRJ |(County) County, county authority and county corporation | | |PRG |PRG |Prague - as a combination of KRJ and ORP | | | | |MUN |ORP |(Municipality) Municipality (mostly with extended jurisdiction, but also others) | | | | |GOV |OVM |(Government-all institutions) aggregate category for models, valid for all OVM | | | | | |OTH |OST |(Others) auxiliary category for other than those listed (complement of the set) | | | | |CLI |KLI |(Clients) auxiliary category for type client reference models | | | | |PRV |PRV |(Private) auxiliary category for individual and reference models of private entities - part of public corporations or non-public corporations| | | | | |PUB |VER |(Public) auxiliary category for entities that are part of the public sector but are not OVM (or maybe including them ???) | | | | | |ALL |VSE |(All - everyone) auxiliary category for RMs and PTs, applicable to all without distinction | | | |Inherited model attributes | | | | Attributes also apply to the information system image if it is in the model | | |model_type | | | |The type of model in terms of abstraction level and purpose | | |model_scope | |model_scope | | | | |model_scope-name |model_scope-name | | | | |model-name | | |model-identification (textual description-model-name) | |update%%__%%model_date |model_ mnt_date | | | | | |model_valid_date |model_valid_to | | | | | |model_resp_person | | |model_resp_person | |model_resp_person | |Inherited diagram attributes | | | | The attributes also apply to the information system image if it is in the model view | |ucel_diagram |view_purpose |view_purpose |Expresses both the extent and detail of the model view | | | type_viewpoint_ID | | || | | | domain_domain of the viewpoint | | |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |More information about the viewpoint |diagram_name |view_name |view_name | |Name of a particular artifact, catalog, matrix or diagram | |artifact_type | |view_type | Architectural artifact type (catalog, matrix, diagram) | |uroven_detail |view_detail_level |view_detail_level | Level of detail of the model at the specified range (L0, L1 and L2) | | | |cas_horizon |view_horizon_state |view_horizon_state |view_horizon_state |location of the view in time (whether it was created as a view of the present past or a projection of the future). | | |cas_horizon_date |view_horizon_date |view_horizon_date |Year or date that the state (current, intermediate or target) diagram shows | | | |view_resp_person |view_resp_person |view_resp_person |responsible person for the diagram or other artifact | |diagram_valid_date |view_valid_to |view_valid_to |Date until which the state design (current, intermediate or target) is considered valid, guideline | | | |update%%%__%%diagram_date |view_ update_date |view_ update_date |Date of the day on which the draft diagram (current, intermediate or target) was last updated | | | |Inherited attributes of the generic model element | | | | | | | | | Concept identification from metamodel | | | | | | | | | Identification of the element (instance) in the model | | | | | | | | | Standardization attributes | | | | | | | | | | Responsibility and validity of element data |Specific attributes of the information system| | | | | |IS_name |IS_name | |IS_name |IS identification (name, name) at the client | |IS_platform |IS_platform | | |Default standard package or development platform | |IS_start_date | | | |Date of first productive start | |and more ..... | | | | | |Classification of IS application components | | | | | | Classification of IS application components and services according to types of clients and "distance" from them and their service | | | | | | |External FO |Client portals (agenda and cross-cutting) - support for communication and client servicing, 1st line, self-service and assisted | | | | | |External MO |Agenda specific applications containing business logic, algorithms, decision making, ... | | | | | | |External BO |Agenda Back-Office, payments, filing, control planning, balance sheet accounting, etc. | | | | |Internal FO |Employee portals (agenda, operational and cross-cutting) - support for communication and employee service, 1st line, self-service and assisted, SSC| | | | |Internal MO |Specific applications for internal resource management | | | | |Internal BO |Sectional applications for internal resource management (beyond Budgeting) | | | | |Budgeting |Essential Resource Management and Budgeting Support (ERP) | | | |appl_user_platf_layer | | | Classification of IS application components and services by distance from users | | | | |UI&Access | | | | | | | |Composite | | | | | | | |BI&dec_supp | | | | | | | | |Transaction | | | | | | |Generic IT | | | | | | |Platform | | | |EGovernment Attributes | | | | | | |Services Provided | | |Does the system provide central services? | | | | | does the system draw on the central service? | | | | | layers | | | what layers of architecture does the model refer to? | |Model Manager | | |Model Manager | | | |the overall administrator | | |the overall administrator of the system being modeled | | | |technical_manager | | | |technical manager of the modeled system | | | | |operator of the modelled system | | | |operator of the modelled system | | | |architect | | | |architect of the modelled system | | | |strategy | | |what strategic initiatives is the system part of | |legislation | | |what legislation affects the modelled system | |agendas | | | |what agendas does the system support? | |Does the system use the services of national data centres? |soukroma_dc | | | | |does the system use private data centre services? | |cms | | | | |does the system use CMS services? | |portal | | | | | Is the system part of a portal? | |type | |Central Application Service, Operational, Agenda, Security, Self-Service Portal, Self-Managed Portal|Central Application Service, Operational, Agenda, Security, Self-Service Portal, Self-Managed Portal |