======Register of legal persons====== The register of legal persons is a basic register according to Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers, which records reference data. The administrator of the register of persons is the Czech Statistical Office. The primary editors are authorities and institutions that are already legally obliged to register persons. These include the Commercial Register, the Trade Register, registers or information systems of selected ministries and central government bodies, professional chambers, municipalities, regions, etc. The Ministry of the Interior with the Data Box System (ISDS) is the secondary editor. The subjects of the data kept in the register of persons are: * legal entity, * organisational unit and organisational unit of a legal person, * organisational unit of the State, * an internal organisational unit of an organisational unit of the State, if this internal organisational unit is entrusted by law with its own competence, * an entrepreneurial natural person, * a foreign person and an organisational unit of a foreign person, * a trust fund, if they are entered in the register pursuant to this Act or another legal regulation. The reference data on legal persons are: * business name or designation or name, if applicable, and surname, if the natural person engaged in business is not registered in the Commercial Register, * the name or, where applicable, the first and last names of the natural person engaged in business or of the foreign person and the organisational unit of the foreign person; if the person is entered in the population register, this data shall be kept in the form of a reference link (agency identifier of the natural person) to the reference entry in the population register, * the agenda identifier of the natural person for the agenda of the register of persons, * person identification number, * date of creation or date of registration under other legislation, * date of termination or date of deletion from the register under other legislation, * legal form, * type of data box and identifier of the data box, if this data box is accessible, * the statutory body, expressed by reference to the population register or the register of persons or by the name, surname and residence of a natural person or the name and registered office of a legal person, if these persons are not entered in the population register or the register of persons, * the liquidator, expressed by reference to the population register or the register of persons, or by reference to the name, surname and residence of a natural person, if applicable, or to the name and registered office of a legal person, if these persons are not entered in the population register or the register of persons, * the guardian of a legal person, expressed by reference to the population register or the register of persons, or by reference to the name, surname and residence of a natural person, if applicable, or to the name and registered office of a legal person, if these persons are not entered in the population register or the register of persons, * the insolvency administrator, expressed by reference to the population register or the register of persons, or the name, surname and residence of a natural person or the name and registered office of a legal person, where these persons are not entered in the population register or the register of persons, * a receiver expressed by reference to the population register or by the name, surname and residence, where applicable, of the person concerned, if that person is not entered in the population register, * legal status, * the address of the person's registered office; if the building is a building recorded in the territorial identification register, this information shall be recorded in the form of a reference link (address location code) to the address reference in the territorial identification register, * date of commencement of the activity at the establishment, * the identification number of the establishment, * the date of cessation of the activity at the establishment, * the address of the place of establishment; where the building is a building recorded in the territorial identification register, this information shall be entered in the form of a reference link (address place code) to the address reference in the territorial identification register, * the address of the place of residence in the Czech Republic in the form of a reference link (address place code) to the reference data on the address in the register of territorial identification, or the residence abroad of a natural person, a foreign person and an organisational unit of a foreign person; in the case of persons entered in the register of residents, the address of the place of residence in the form of a reference link (code of the agency identifier of a natural person) to the reference data on the natural person in the register of residents, * interruption or suspension of activities under another legal provision; in the case of activities corresponding to one agenda, the interruption of all such activities. Non-reference data on legal persons shall also be kept in the register of persons: * a telephone number for the public mobile telephone network or an e-mail address for sending a selected range of information. Operational data shall also be kept in the register of persons: * agenda code, * editor's personal identification number, * date of initial entry in the register of persons, * date of the last change to the data recorded in the register of persons, * record of the use of the data from the register of persons. Data editors are: ^**Person Name** ^**Person Type**^Agenda**^ROS Editor** ^**ROS Editor. |Attorneys |FO |A8 |Czech Bar Association | |Employment Agencies |FO |A531 |Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs | |Accredited person under the Consumer Credit Act |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Auditors |FO |A6 |Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic | |Road Safety Auditors |FO |A1381 |Ministry of Transport | |Authorized Architects |FO |A54 |Czech Chamber of Architects | |Authorised Engineers and Technicians |FO |A54 |Czech Chamber of Chartered Engineers and Technicians active in Construction | |Churches and religious societies |PO |A5 |Ministry of Culture | |Czech National Bank, Czech Television, Czech Radio, Regional Council of the Cohesion Region, General Health Insurance Company |PO |A325 |Ministry of the Interior | |Tax Advisers |FO |A7 |Chamber of Tax Advisers of the Czech Republic | |Voluntary associations of municipalities |PO |A343 |Locally competent regional authority or the Municipality of the capital city Prague | |License holders for business in energy sectors |FO |A684 |Energy Regulatory Authority | |European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation |PO |A561 |Ministry for Regional Development | |Natural Persons - Operators of Postal Services |FO |A926 |Czech Telecommunications Office | |Persons operating a trade (sole traders) |FO |A121 |Locally competent trade licensing authority | |Private associations |PO |A943 |Locally competent municipality with extended competence, Ministry of Agriculture| |Insolvency practitioners |FO |A1901 |Ministry of Justice | |Investment intermediaries |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Communal Contributory Organisations |PO |A388 |Counties, Municipalities | |Mediators |FO |A1461 |Ministry of Justice | |International military organisations established on the basis of an international treaty |PO |A5517 |Ministry of Defence | |Foundations and endowments |PO |A120 |Registrar's court with local jurisdiction | |Notaries |FO |A484 |Notary Chamber of the Czech Republic | |Public Benefit Corporations |PO |A120 |Local Registry Court | |Commercial companies; cooperatives, business units, other persons registered in the Commercial Register |PO |A120 |Locally competent court of registration | | Trade unions and employers' organizations, affiliated trade unions and employers' organizations, international trade unions, international employers' organizations, affiliated international trade unions, affiliated international employers' organizations |PO |A120 |Locally competent court of registration | |Organizational units of the State |PO |A325 |Ministry of the Interior | |Persons handling high-risk biological agents and toxins |FO |A914 |State Office for Nuclear Safety | |Persons carrying out mining and mining-related activities |FO |A4293 |Czech Mining Authority | |Persons involved in the production and distribution of pharmaceuticals |FO |A1243 |State Institute for Drug Control | |Persons authorised for exchange and foreign exchange activities |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Persons using nuclear energy and ionizing radiation |FO |A3905 |State Office for Nuclear Safety | |Patent Attorneys |FO |A31 |Chamber of Patent Attorneys of the Czech Republic | |Entrepreneurs in Electronic Communications |FO |A304 |Czech Telecommunications Office | |Insurance intermediaries |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Political Parties and Political Movements |PO |A3 |Ministry of the Interior | |Audiovisual Media Service Providers |FO |A1138 |Radio and Television Broadcasting Council | |Providers of small-scale payment services |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Healthcare service providers |FO |A1086 |Locally competent regional authority or the Capital City Municipality Prague | |Providers of social services |FO |A530 |Locally competent regional authority or the Municipality of Prague Prague | |Aircraft work operators and airport operators |FO |A575 |Civil Aviation Authority | |Operators of professional veterinary activities |FO |A1044 |State Veterinary Administration | |Radio and Television Broadcasting Operators |FO |A453 |Radio and Television Broadcasting Council | |Operators of emission measurement stations |FO |A998 |Locally competent municipality with extended competence | |Operators of technical inspection stations |FO |A998 |Locally competent regional authority or Capital City Council Prague | |Zoo operators |FO |A696 |Ministry of the Environment | |Restaurators |FO |A434 |Ministry of Culture | |Separate insurance claims adjusters |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Separate consumer credit intermediary |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Court Executors |FO |A479 |Executors' Chamber of the Czech Republic | |Court Experts and Interpreters |FO |A481 |County Courts, City Court Prague | |Community of unit owners |PO |A120 |Locally competent registration court | |Clubs (formerly civic associations), affiliated associations (formerly an organisational unit of a civic association) |PO |A120 |Registration court with local jurisdiction | |State Funds |PO |A325 |Ministry of the Interior | |State Contributory Organisations |PO |A24 |Ministries and other Central Administrative Authorities | |Trust Funds |PO |A4047 |Locally competent court of registration | |School legal entities |PO |A676 |Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports | |Institute |PO |A120 |Locally competent court of registration | |Consumer Credit Act tied representative |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Public and State Universities |PO |A325 |Ministry of the Interior | |Public research institutions |PO |A4 |Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports | |Public corporations - region, municipality, capital city of Prague |PO |A325 |Ministry of the Interior | |Veterinarians authorized to perform veterinary medical and preventive activities |FO |A636 |Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Czech Republic | |Foreign legal entity, branch plant of a foreign legal entity, branch plant of a foreign natural person |PO |A120 |Locally competent registration court | |Foreign association, foreign branch association |PO |A120 |Locally competent registry court | | Interest association of legal persons |PO |A120 |Locally competent court of registration | | Representative Office of a Foreign Bank |PO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Agricultural Entrepreneurs |FO |A944 |Ministry of Agriculture | |Consumer credit intermediary |FO |A11 |Czech National Bank | |Special organization for representation of Czech interests in international NGOs, organizational unit of special organization for representation of Czech interests in international NGOs, international NGO, organizational unit of international NGO|PO |A120 |Locally competent court of registration | For non-referential data, the editor is the Czech Statistical Office. {{tag>ROS "Register of persons" "Basic registers" "Functional unit"}}