======Unified service channels for officials====== ===== Description of the Unified Service Channels for Officials ===== In line with the objective and principles of providing officials with an efficient navigation and user environment for e-office, for electronic management of office resources and for employee self-service, the existing shared service capabilities of the Official Portal and CzechPOINT@Office need to be significantly enhanced and developed or replaced. ==== Official Portal ==== Currently, only the IS Portal on the Civil Service (ISoSS), which has two parts - a public part and a part for service offices, with access via the JIP/KAAS, partially fulfils this role. The public part provides 3 functions: * Registration for the civil service exam * Registration of occupied posts * Records of civil service examinations held The ISoSS portal, in the section for service offices, allows: * Uploading proposals for the systematisation of posts (as well as Self-checking of proposals, Editing of proposals, Submitting proposals to the approval process, Possibility of uploading justification for a proposal, Viewing the progress of the proposal approval process) According to the eGovernment architectural vision, each official will be provided with a single, universal internal navigation environment and web-based user work environment in his/her 'home' office, allowing him/her to access all local and central information systems to which he/she is entitled by virtue of his/her roles in the OVS. The Public Servant Portal (PSP) will be federated in a reverse manner to the PVS. I.e. there will be individual central portal services (HR, education, NEN, IISSP, ...) which will be connected to a local transactional PSU, into which each so-called office intranet should be gradually transformed. Alongside this, one of the central portals of the VS, IKCR proposes that it should be either the HR portal ISoSS or a portal derived from the Citizen Portal, will be extended to provide a one-stop service for officials and employees of the authorities who find it uneconomical to manage their own PUs. Along with this, one of the central portals of the SC, IKCR proposes that it should be the staff portal of ISoSS, will be expanded to provide a one-stop brokerage service for officials and employees of the authorities for whom it is uneconomical to manage their own IP. All functions of the Clerk's Portal, beyond the boundaries of the 'home' OVS, will be available exclusively using the JIP/KAAS. Therefore, the local IS must also be accessible with the same identity or the authority must have built a local Single-Sign-On solution for the Clerk Portal and the IS included in it, integrated with JIP/KAAS. ==== CzechPOINT@Office ==== This is a non-public workplace of the office where the official independently draws information, verifies and submits submissions within the framework of eGovernment. It is intended for officials of public authorities who access registers by law or carry out authorised conversion of documents ex officio. (E.g. instead of a citizen or a businessman having to provide a Criminal Records Certificate, the official will obtain the necessary document using Czech POINT@Office). This is a workplace in any office, with the same technical equipment as in the case of publicly accessible Czech POINT workplaces, i.e. a standard computer with Internet access, a web, form and document browser, an account for using Czech POINT@Office (access via a pair of certificates for authentication and signing applications). The Czech POINT system provides the CzechPOINT@office interface, which is intended for public authorities. Officials can use the forms available in the CzechPOINT@office interface to exercise their competences. These include: * extract and copy from the Criminal Register * extracts from the basic registers * authorised conversion ex officio * registry registers * registration offices' agendas * court agendas The area of tools for civil servants also includes support for carrying out authorised conversion by proxy (also known as KzMU). Two APIs of the CzechPOINT system are available for this task. CzechPOINT@Office services will represent one of the first central shared services for Clerk Portals, CzechPOINT@Office will gradually converge to, merge with or be replaced by the Clerk Portal and together create one efficient internal service interface. ==== A view of the unified service channels for civil servants ==== {{ :nap-document:egov_rbou_l2.png |}} ===== Unified Service Channel Rules for Officials ===== **NAP does not set any rules for this functional unit or thematic area in this release**. {{tag>KZMU CzechPOINT "Official's Portal"}}