======Editorial Agenda Information Systems====== Systems whose data is published by [[nap:iszr|ISZR]] composite services. Composite services are [[nap:iszr|ISZR]] services that provide data maintained in WR editorial systems with a link to reference data maintained in the WR: * Population records - AISEO (administered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) * Agenda Information System of Foreigners - AISC(Administrator is the Police of the Czech Republic) * Travel documents register - AIESCD (Administered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) * Registration of ID cards - AISEOP (Administrator is the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) * Information System of the Cadastre of Real Estate - ISKN (Administered by the Czech Office of Surveying and Cadastre) * Territorial Identification Information System - ISÚI (Administered by the Czech Geodetic and Cadastral Office) * AIS Competence - AISP (Administrator is the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) * eIdentity - (administered by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic) Each ZR has its own editors who edit the data. The editors enter the data into the individual ZRs and together with the subject administrator of each of the editors, this keeps the data in the ZR correct and up-to-date. A data reclaim mechanism is used to ensure that the data is up-to-date and correct. Editors edit the data in the ZRs using their editing information systems based on the procedural execution of the agenda, which determines whether the execution exists in the [[nap:document_management system|file service or separate document registers]] in accordance with the legislation. The reader may draw non-reference data in the form of so-called composite services. Since only current data that are correct and guaranteed by the State are found in the CR (except for non-reference data held in the basic registers), other non-reference data (e.g. historical data on the subject of the law or other useful data not found in the CR) can be retrieved from the editors' editing systems as part of the composite services. Information on composite services is available at [[http://www.szrcr.cz/vyvojari/kompozitni-sluzby-ais-eo|the SZR website]]. {{tag>"Functional Unit" "Editorial AIS" " editors "ZR editors" "composite services"}}