======Methods of public administration ICT management in the Czech Republic====== ~~NOTOC~~ Methods of public administration ICT management of the Czech Republic is an annex to the Information Concept of the Czech Republic according to Act 365/2000 Coll. and this is a basic signpost to its individual chapters/pages. ===== Structure of MŘICT ===== - [[en:metody_dokument:uvod|Chapter Introduction]] - [[en:metody_dokument:soucasny_a_cilovy_stav_rizeni_ict|Chapter Current and target state of ICT governance]] - [[en:metody_dokument:predpoklady_a_vychodiska_rizeni_ict|Chapter Assumptions and background of ICT management]] - [[en:metody_dokument:rizeni_jednotlivych_ict_reseni|Chapter Individual ICT governance]] - [[en:metody_dokument:rizeni_na_urovni_utvaru_ict|Chapter ICT unit level management]] - [[en:metody_dokument:spoluprace_s_ostatnimi_utvary_uradu_a_egovernmentu|Chapter Cooperation with other offices and eGovernment departments]] - [[en:metody_dokument:postup_a_plan_realizace_zmen|Chapter Portup and Change Implementation Plan]] - [[en:metody_dokument:prehledy_klicovych_povinnosti_rizeni_ict|Chapter Overview of key ICT management responsibilities]] You can also take a look at [[en:metody_dokument:celkovy_dokument|Preview of the overall document Methods of ICT management of public administration of the Czech Republic consisting of all chapters]] ----